Recent content by rockit.scientist

  1. R

    Rebar Rot in Pool... How Long Do I Have?

    Thank you so much for your quick reply! How much of a threat does this pose to my pool structurally?
  2. R

    Rebar Rot in Pool... How Long Do I Have?

    Hi everyone, My wife and I bought a home last year with a good sized in-ground plaster pool (around 20'x40'). For the most part the pool is in decent shape and we're hoping to get a few more years before a resurface (we really don't have the money right now). However, there are about 4 or 5...
  3. R

    Concerned about damage from low PH

    Thanks for the reply! I appreciate the "no use crying over spilled milk" philosophy. I guess I'm just wondering how bad 6.7 is in the grand scheme of things? Realistically should I be worried? The pump is definitely running and seems to be in pretty good shape. I'm uploading the results of...
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  5. R

    Concerned about damage from low PH

    Hi everyone, I recently bought a house that has an in-ground plaster pool. It's my first pool, so I'm learning as I go along and trying to get things right. As such, I'm also a little paranoid. The previous owner moved out months ago, so the pool has largely been left to itself for quite a...