Recent content by Rhoadal

  1. R

    Are we on the right track???

    Our pool is looking gorgeous!!!! We accomplished in a week what Leslies couldn't do in 2 months!! Friday night the FC level seemed to hold steady. Our FAS addition should be here tomorrow. We'll do another full test then!! I'm so excited!! A little knowledge is worth it's weight in gold...
  2. R

    Are we on the right track???

    I've measured 3 times today. Lost about 5ppm overnight again. The latest FC was holding at 20. The CC has been 0 all day. Good news! The deep end is fully visible but slightly cloudy still. The shallow end is sparkling! And I've ordered the FAS addition to the test kit. When we get to the end...
  3. R

    Are we on the right track???

    My husband measured 3.5 shallow and 8.25 deep. He said it probably fluctuates depending on water level. We think our pool is more 1/3, 1/3, 1/3.
  4. R

    Are we on the right track???

    I would say 4 in the shallow 9ish in the deep end. The slope is steep. The sides in the deep end go about half way down and then begin to slant towards the center.
  5. R

    Are we on the right track???

    Latest Results: FC 15 CC 0 CYA 45 ( My husband did it this time. He said his eyesight is better than mine.) Added bleach. Also bought a tape measure, and it turns out my pool is 36x18. So gallons??? Good news is I'm starting to see the bottom of the deep end around the edges!!
  6. R

    Are we on the right track???

    What happens with too much CYA? I'm pretty sure we left the CYA target at 40 on the calculator. How much water should we empty? Should I keep my target FC at 20?
  7. R

    Are we on the right track???

    Believe it or not we don't own a tape measure currently! Horrible I know! We estimated our pool was 20x40. Leslies told us that those dimensions were 40,000 gallons. I think it's probably smaller. It is basic rectangle. Very deep in the deep end. 8 feet at least. I will work on getting exact...
  8. R

    Are we on the right track???

    2:15 Test result FC steady 20! Woohoo! :party: I just saw the latest post so next test I will test FC and CC. Also, great pointing out the CYA! Yesterday it was 50 so that's why I keep aiming for 20. I will try and remember to double check chart if CYA changes again. We added the...
  9. R

    Are we on the right track???

    New Test at 11:15 am (This time I tested everything in the test kit.) FC 15 TC 15 CC 0 BR 25 PH 7.2 ALK 140 CH 240 CYA 70 Added more bleach. Trying to keep it at 20.
  10. R

    Are we on the right track???

    POOL UPDATE: Last night FC was about 20. This morning FC was about 15. I added more bleach to raise to 20 again. I'm sure the daily southern thunderstorms are not helping. Deep end still very cloudy. :( Should I be testing anything else at this point or just continue testing FC?
  11. R

    Are we on the right track???

    Wait! There's a contest???
  12. R

    Are we on the right track???

    I was wondering about that! I was pretty sure tap water had chlorine too. I will order one ASAP. In the mean time, I'll continue my dilute and guess method. LOL. How many days does the shock process usually take?
  13. R

    Are we on the right track???

    Thanks! Yes I only bought the DPD kit. It was my haste that made the mistake. However, in the kit it tells you how to test off the chart by diluting with tap water. I'm doing a little guessing based on color but for now it's all I have. The most recent test tested at about FC 15. We added a...
  14. R

    Are we on the right track???

    We came back from our honeymoon in April to a green pool. We took sample to Leslies. Spent $$$ and it turned cloudy blue. Took 2 more samples and kept spending $$$. We finally replaced about 20% of the water and it cleared up for about 2 weeks. Then it rained last week and cloudy again. TFP...