Recent content by Psu9395

  1. P


    Well I did have two dead squirrels under the cover....don't know how that happened.
  2. P


    I guess it doesn't help living in the greenest state. I tried the sock last night and it clogged after less than 30 minutes. I wanted to let the pump run all night so I took the sock off. It looked a little better today but it seems I will never keep up. I cleaned my filter Saturday and I...
  3. P


    Thanks skimmer socks are on and I'll check them in a little bit.
  4. P


    I have been running the filter around the clock. I tried the skimmer sock but it only lasted minutes since there is lots of stuff being filtered out right now. I could try it again now that I think most of the chunky stuff is out. I spent yesterday in the pool in my chest waders sweeping and...
  5. P


    Hi everybody. I am a true believer as you guys set me up last year. I followed everything last year and just got to the point that I added about two cups of bleach a night and tested weekly and had awesome success. This year I am having a new problem. Of course I just opened the pool and yes...
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  7. P

    Polaris hookup question

    Any takers on the question above...I am manually sweeping, but we are in for some bad storms tonight and it's killing me to have the polaris just sitting there.
  8. P

    Polaris hookup question

    Well I figure someone out there had this same setup as I did and had to figure this out. When I bought my pool it came with a Polaris 65 and it has a universal adapter fitting. My problem is I have a light on my top return so I can't hook it up there. My bottom return has an eyeball in it...
  9. P

    New to me pool install today

    Richard-I have been studying this site hard. On the TA test it was green with the second reagent I added. When I added the third it took 16 drops to turn red but only for a second or two then it went clear. I thought I read that the initial turn to red was the place to stop. Is that right...
  10. P

    New to me pool install today

    Well as I said the other day today was the big day. The pool is installed and I have about six inches of water. Attached are some pics of the mess I have to fix in the yard now. I also did my first tests with the new kit which just came in today. I only tested ph and TA as it is tap water...
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  14. P

    New pool and new to pools

    Casey-thanks I have gone through pool school over and over. Lots of fantastic info. I took care of a pool for one season years ago following the plan from the store and by mid season it was green. Every week I dumped in tons of stuff and money to no avail. I used lots of tabs and powder...
  15. P

    New pool and new to pools

    Well I just purchased the Taylor 2006c. I ended up buying this because it was on amazon and I was already purchasing some other stuff. Tuesday is coming quick for install day and I can't wait. The kids are even more excited. School is out in two weeks so this is just in time.