Recent content by Poolhelpplz

  1. P

    Help!!! New pool and I've already messed up

    One one inch tablet of chlorine was added yesterday when shock was added. So if the chlorine is that high I guess no one needs to be swimming today? I have a 12' x 30" Summer Escapes Metal Frame pool. Has a skimmerplus 600 pump and uses a type D summer escapes cartridge. Says it holds about...
  2. P

    Help!!! New pool and I've already messed up

    Thank you for your help. I am using red drops for ph testing. I used Aqua chem pool shock 1 pound. As of this morning both levels are still high going to brush the algae spots again. Again thank you for helping.
  3. P

    Help!!! New pool and I've already messed up

    I got a new above ground small pool last weekend. Today the water was cloudy and the bottom of the pool was slick as ice. The ph level was perfect but didn't even register any chlorine level. I "brushed" the bottom and sides. Added shock, replaced the filter and added chlorine. Just vacuumed the...