Recent content by Parker12

  1. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Ph still 7.2
  2. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Well still no cya registering yet after adding 5 lbs by sock method. My chlorine level is still 10 and I have addedno more bleach and left pool uncovered all day to try and burn some off. My swg is set on 50%. Water is clear but kids complaining their eyes hurt after swimming. Any thoughts?
  3. P

    No chlorine no cya

    How do I post a pic?
  4. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Finally last night my pool held FC value all nite and still holding today at noon. Now, I still am not registering any CYA even though I added 4 lbs a week ago and have 2.5 lbs hanging in a sock by my return. I think tonight I will add the additional 2.5 lbs and broadcast it and be done...
  5. P

    No chlorine no cya

    FC held at 14 for about 4 hours last pm but fell back to 7 by 7am. Added 4 more gallons bleach. Is this ever going to end? Pool water is clear and blue but not crystal clear. Stay the course is still your advice?
  6. P

    No chlorine no cya

    I have added 4lbs of CYA last Wed evening. I have 5 more lbs on hand.
  7. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Maybe I should hang sock with CYA in the return line. I added 4 lbs last Tues or Wed and it still not registering? Water in deep end clear but not crystal clear.
  8. P

    No chlorine no cya

    FC dropped from 10 to 4.5 overnight so I guess I am not done. Added 5 more gallons bleach this am. Will FC hold if no CYA? Mayb
  9. P

    No chlorine no cya

    5pm update -- water continues to improve but not crystal clear. FC down to 4.5ppm so I guess I need to add another 6 gallons bleach to get back to shock level. Then I guess I will check it before I go to bed and add more bleach if level drops again.
  10. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Yes I tested again no cya at 10am. 1pm update -- water is way clearer after more chlorine and vacuuming. I can now see the drains in the deep end and all of the shallow end is clear. Deep end still hazy. Chlorine dropped to 7ppm again at 1PM so I added 400oz more chlorine. When Pool School...
  11. P

    No chlorine no cya

    10am update -- chlorine level down to 7 so I added 360oz bleach. Husband going to clean pool now. Water still cloudy but getting clearer and more blue by the hour. Thanks for all your help!!! Still a little worried about no CYA and TA is holding at 180.
  12. P

    No chlorine no cya

    We are making headway!!! I can see the bottom of the liner in the shallow end and 1/4 way down into the deep end!!! My chlorine was down to 2 at 730am so I added 600 oz of bleach. My ph is 7.1 so may need to add some borax later and cya is less than 30 but not sure what because Taylor test kit...
  13. P

    No chlorine no cya

    By 9pm fc back down to 3-5. Added 300 oz bleach. Also noticed I have no CC -- is this normal? I read algae makes high CC.
  14. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Just added 6 96oz bottles bleach. Waiting 1 hour to test. Thank you so much for all your advice. I am going to win this battle!!!
  15. P

    No chlorine no cya

    Holy cow!!! No one told me every hour until FC holds. I will give this a try ASAP. Now it will hold even if no cya? How long to hold FC at 10 if I manage to achieve this?