Recent content by NCMau

  1. NCMau

    Clumps of Algae? at Bottom.

    Thanks Richard. They look like exactly as you describe. Now my question is, what is the best way to get rid of them? Vacuum on waste or back flush? Will these dust bunnies be persistent occurrences or will they eventually disappear? (assuming the water is kept in balance).
  2. Dead algae.JPG

    Dead algae.JPG

  3. NCMau

    Clumps of Algae? at Bottom.

    My test reading of today: Free chlorine=5, Alkalinity=40, PH=7.8, Hardness=250. Water is clear and test strips were purchased a month ago. To give a you a little background, about a month ago I was out of town for few days and the pool maintenance got somewhat neglected. When I came back the...
  4. NCMau

    Clumps of Algae? at Bottom.

    Every few days few clumps of dark greenish matter (dust-like) show up at the bottom of the pool. They are easily removed with the vacuum. I assume they are dead algae but I really don’t know. The water is balance and properly sanitized. Can you shed some light on what these clumps are and is...