Recent content by mooneyna

  1. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    But I thought the OCLT test demonstrates it is not algae?? I think I will try that test a couple more times to see if things change. My plan right now is to back off the chlorine a little and alternate sweeping and vacuuming, keeping the pool free from leaves, to see if that changes anything...
  2. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    Ok I cleaned all leaves out of the pool and did the OCLT test. Both last night and this AM show FC of 34 and 0 CC's. So do we think the green dust is not actually algae and I can back off the chlorine a little, the daily sweeping, and running the pump 24/7?
  3. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    We have had a couple windy days and there are more leaves at bottom of pool. Will that impact the OCULT results? Would it be better to vacuum and start over with testing?
  4. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    The green dust is all over the pool - every day - shade, sun, shallow end and deep end. So I assumed that it was algae. If you guys think not, maybe I can relax a bit. I will do the overnight chlorine loss test.
  5. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    I also add a little DE to the skimmer - per your instructions on the site - most times after backwashing. The water is clear. The sand is probably 10 years old. I have washed it a couple times - as recently as about 6 mos ago - but I don't know that I did it well enough and a lot of leaves and...
  6. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    PSI on the gauge is 15, goes up to 20 after a few days, at which point I am backwashing and rinsing and it goes back down. This pool has done well using TFP principles for over a year, through very hot weather. So I am mystified why at this temp it is doing this.
  7. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    FC = 32; No CC's; TC = 32; CYA is less than 20; Alk = 200 Water temp is 42
  8. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    I have that test kit and use it. I have read the ABC's of Pool Chemistry. I have been following the SLAM process for weeks with no real change. I am brushing, adding liquid chlorine, backwashing, and running filter 24/7. I just vacuumed leaves today. I will do a complete set of tests tomorrow...
  9. M

    Fighting algae in 42 degree weather

    Hope you guys can help. I am fighting algae in a 42 degree pool, sand filter, about 30,000 gal. I have bee using nothing but liquid chlorine for 2 yrs and did pretty well this past summer. But I backed off a little in the fall and now every day I am brushing off greenish "dust" from all sides...