Recent content by Mikie

  1. Mikie

    Constant pH Rise

    Before the refill, with triclor, I did not have to adjust TA or PH more than once every couple of months. TA of fill water is about 60, but the autofill is on vacation since there has been very little evap since the refill
  2. Mikie

    Constant pH Rise

    Yes, I wait until the pH gets to 7.8 before adding the acid, unfortunately, this is pretty much every day. I'm adding an average of 24 oz of 6% bleach a day to keep the FC ~ 3-4 I'll try increasing the CH a bit, say to 250, but I was trying to keep it on the low side since I had calcium scale...
  3. Mikie

    Constant pH Rise

    I'm using a taylor FAS DPD kit and I've verified the pH readings at 2 pool supply stores. The refill was about a month ago. The spillover is running all the time (6 hrs ad ay right now) as there is no other way to circulate filtered water to the spa. About 20% of the recirculated water is...
  4. Mikie

    Constant pH Rise

    4 years old
  5. Mikie

    Constant pH Rise

    After a complete pool refill, and aswitch to BBB with 50 ppm borates (20 Mule Team Borax), I find that I need to add acid every day in order to keep the pH below 7.8. Here are this morning's numbers: FC 4 TC 4 pH 7.8 TA 75 Borates 50 CH 210 CYA 45 The pool has a spillover spa, which...
  6. Mikie

    Hi From Austin...

    First time pool owner, longtime engineering geek. I was originally quite frustrated with all the conflicting advice I was getting from everyone. Then I found TFP. Thanks for the site! One evening of browsing has taught me more than 6 months of "free" advice from the local pool supply...
  7. Mikie\'s Pool.JPG

    Mikie\'s Pool.JPG