Recent content by Mattikuss

  1. Mattikuss

    TFP annual meet up???

    Is anyone interested in starting a TFP annual get together? It’s been a long time since I have felt connected to a group of nerds like myself and I’m curious if anyone would be interested in starting an annual meet and greet. Obviously it would be a small thing to start but who knows, maybe...
  2. Mattikuss

    TFP store?

    Yes! Thank you.
  3. Mattikuss

    TFP store?

    No, where I can get T-shirts and other pool nerd gear.
  4. Mattikuss

    TFP store?

    Does the TFP store exist anymore? Can’t find it.
  5. Mattikuss

    Featured New to trouble free pool

    Post pictures please!
  6. Mattikuss

    Featured New to trouble free pool

    YES! The monster is almost defeated. Now, you should start looking into how to clean your filters. LOL, going to be a lot of dead algae to clear out.
  7. Mattikuss

    Featured New to trouble free pool

    Updates? Cant wait to see the after pictures
  8. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    I don't think I could live without you, NewDude. You helped me build and design my pool, pick my equipment, and you regularly answer my questions with patience and easy to understand answers. Thank you.
  9. Mattikuss

    OTO vs DPD vs FAS/DPD

    Hi Friends, I'm reading back on old posts from 2012 and just want to get this straight on one post. Can someone clarify these tests for me? OTO, my understanding, is the test with the yellow for Cl and Red for pH. In my TF-pro test kit it says that this is a daily test but people on TFP are...
  10. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    Ooops. Okay, so do you try to stick to the high end? My range on pool math is actually 3-9, where should I aim for if I want my low swing to be 4? Does a higher Cl level within the range contribute to skin irritation like it does at hotels? I haven't run into a problem yet with how i've been...
  11. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    Also, I noticed that pool math app has a much larger range than this charge for idea chlorine levels. For example: my CYA is 55 and I keep my Cl level at 4 according to pool math.
  12. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    What do the astrisk mean?
  13. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    It was halfway to 100. So, is it safe to swim in? How does one fix this?
  14. Mattikuss

    Optimal flow rate

    WHAAAT?! Those rascals didn't even tell me about this as an option. My pool is 9 months old. My pool builder was bought out by another company 2 months after he built my pool, we have no relationship really.
  15. Mattikuss

    CYA >200 - CL 33.5ppm

    I brought my TF-Pro test kit over to a friends who also has a pool in order to shame him about his inferior pool water quality. I ran some tests and, being a novice, didn't even know what to tell him about how messed up his levels seemed. Can someone explain to me how this happens? He has a...