Recent content by matthys333

  1. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    *Update 2* Since the first CYA test said 100 for some reason, I ended up doing the diluted CYA test to see how far over 100 it actually was. Surprisingly, it showed 30, which means 60...which is where it was supposed to be from my CYA adding calculations. I poured the solution back in the...
  2. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    *Update* So did my Taylor K-1000 test just now and surprisingly, the FC was at around the 3-4ppm mark. So finally it was staying up. HOWEVER..... I tested the CYA just out of curiosity to see what level it was that it finally kept the FC up. And it was at 100. Which is nuts because I never...
  3. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    Pool is crystal issues. Wouldn't even know something is wrong without the daily testing. The first time I realized the FC dropped like it did when I first started doing the methods here, I did go through the SHOCK and overnight test. The FC only dropped 1 and the CC was only .5. So...
  4. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    I've been using the PoolMath app to let me know every day how much chlorine to add. Why it drops like it does, I don't get. This happened after I went through the whole SHOCK process and overnight FC test a few weeks ago. I test every day and add chlorine, so unless I do it 2-3X a day, I'm...
  5. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    I've been having an ongoing battle keeping my FC over 2 from day to day. Having a stock tank which is much smaller and different material (galvanized steel) than 99.9% pools in this forum, makes me the pioneer of finding the best chemical balancing for this pool. Good News is that all the...
  6. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

    The tank is galvanized steel I believe. It comes as seen in the pic. If you could see how it's fitted together, the bottom is made up of 2 semi-circles and the wall is one long piece that goes around. It's all sealed together with some kind of grey bond. The bond is a little soft, as in you...
  7. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

    Interesting...I'll look into that. If it has a fitting to attach to the intake fitting that I already have, maybe I could just have that setup instead of cutting out a second hole. I'll have to see how it works... - - - Updated - - - hmmm...not sure I completely understand. Is this setup...
  8. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

    I believe you are correct here. The pump is very strong for the little pool I have. And I have put my hand at the intake. Boy does it pull hard. I'm thinking about a skimmer setup. Only catch is that since the water level isn't high to start with, the skimmer could force the water level...
  9. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

  10. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool

    Tested FC, CC, and CYA this morning with the TFT... FC = 3 CC = .5 CYA = 30 FC didn't drop to 0 again, but that could be because I added the chlorine later in the day than I normally do. CYA is lower than I thought it would be. I did add enough to bring it to 40 last Saturday. But I...
  11. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool sunlight from dawn until dusk...only 750 gal water...and all metal to reflect sunlight in water. Sun is just eating it up. Tested again this morning and same thing... Guess I'll do the CYA test tomorrow and add to 60...see how it goes :)
  12. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool

    Bad news Kim.... Did a Taylor K-1000 test this morning and the chlorine side was clear...I assume 0. I added enough bleach to bring it up to 7. Based on what I've seen/done this past week, here's my theory... Since there's no evidence to support algae/contamination, it has to be just the...
  13. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool

    I just did a K-1000 test this morning and it was the 5+ color (highest one). So not entirely sure the actual FC, but it's still up there. I did, however, have a cover on it for a good portion yesterday because my lawn guy came and didn't want a bunch of stuff in the water. But it was cloudy...
  14. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool

    Update on this... I kept it up to SHOCK level about 3X yesterday. Then tested the FC when the sun set. SHOCK level was 10. FC test last night was at 8.5. Tested this morning before the sun could bake the water. FC was at 7.5....1ppm drop...CHECK! CC was at 0. Water clear (was already)...
  15. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

    Definitely makes a mini lazy river...more like a lazy whirlpool...haha ;)