Recent content by lorianne621

  1. lorianne621

    Underwater light features as an alternative to pool light.

    Thanks for the advice. We are looking at IP68 rated rope lights. Still researching
  2. lorianne621

    Underwater light features as an alternative to pool light.

    thanks, I will check out the floating light. My biggest fear is the copperheads. I saw a video of one eating a fish in a river. lol - then a few weeks ago we had one in the house. Yes, a copperhead in the house at 1am is enough to freak anyone out. Ack! It has been so wet here this summer that...
  3. lorianne621

    Underwater light features as an alternative to pool light.

    We probably could but the pool is inground and there is no electricity running underground to the end where the pool light should be. Also, it is my understanding that a pool liner lasts 10+ years. Ours is only 2.5 years old. The idea of digging out the end of the pool on the outside is...
  4. lorianne621

    Underwater light features as an alternative to pool light.

    Hi, my pool specs in my sig are up to date. We bought the house with the pool already built. We discovered after purchase that the pool was installed by the previous owners... themselves. Well, many things were not done the way we would like. For example, we discovered they used construction...
  5. lorianne621

    DE in sand filter not changing pressure

    We had this problem... among others after purchasing a home with an inground pool. We struggled along while learning all pool basics from TFP but nothing affected the pressure which didn't change much no matter what we did. This year my husband decided to change the pool filter sand. That was...
  6. lorianne621

    Frogs...too many frogs

    Hahaha... that 'froglog' critter escape ramp is exactly the one we have been looking at. I ordered it tonight from Amazon. :whoot: The only time I had such a large amount of frogs was after the big storm and I admit that if I had that many every day I would be a crying mess too. I had my...
  7. lorianne621

    Frogs...too many frogs

    I am sorry for the late reply. I have spent a couple days unable to get online. I may try the snake away stuff... and not just for the frogs. We are still getting quite a few every day, though not the huge amount we had after the storm. I have to admit now that I put my mind to it... they may...
  8. lorianne621

    Frogs...too many frogs

    Thank you for the replies. I think we may get either the skamper ramp, which our little dogs could also use. If they ever decide they are not scared of the water. haha or a frog log. Or maybe even one of each. That would give the little frogs a chance to get out once they are in. That way they...
  9. lorianne621

    Frogs...too many frogs

    Thanks to TFP we have a sparkly pool instead of a black pond in our backyard. This is our first year as pool owners in our new to us home in the country. I often feel like we are just barely winning the battle of keeping the jungle from taking over. lol I do love it here and the pool has been a...
  10. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    Hi all! I am so excited today! I vacuumed like crazy yesterday and managed to get all that algae off the pool floor. This morning we had only lost 2 ppm of FC and the pool looks crystal clear. We are so excited that we are so close. I think we lose quite a bit of FC during the day due to the...
  11. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    Casey, that is exactly what happens when I brush the pool so you are exactly right! I brushed it down yesterday right after we brought the level back up and this morning it looks so much clearer. Thank you so much. I am going to vacuum today then brush again when I am done. You have all been so...
  12. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    Thank you both. I needed the refresher on the SLAM method. I know hubby and I read it once... Like once is enough... right? :tongue: Also I was obviously trying to hard with my CYA test. Thanks for the tip. We are not as close to being done as I thought as our FC has dropped 2ppm in the 4...
  13. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    Okay... here is what we got now FC is 11.5 CC is 1.0 CYA is between 30 and 40 though closer to 30 TA is 130 CH is 150 So as I understand it, we take it back to shock level again, right? How will I know when we are done? Thanks so much for your help but I seem to floundering in the middle of...
  14. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    I will test the CYA and the other stuff.. other than PH and let you know in a just a few... brb ;)
  15. lorianne621

    Pool newbies on a learning curve.

    Hello my friends, I got my FAS-DPD test kit today. What we had been doing before we ordered it was shocking at night and retesting in the AM and again in the PM and using pool math to return the FC to shock level. At first the FC was dropping low enough I could read it with the kit I already...