Recent content by layla2052

  1. L

    Hobbies ?

    My job has turned into more of a stressful situation than need be so hobbies for de-stressing are VERY important for me. The pool and creating an oasis to go with it is very high on my list. We travel a lot, participate in many charity events locally, ride motorcycles with a great group of...
  2. L

    Winter Closing First Time. Aquador question...

    When I close my AGP, I use a setup similar to what Swampwoman posted above, rather than an Aquadoor. I make sure the pool is clean, FC at SLAM level, install the guards (I don't lower the water level), disconnect the hoses, cover the pool, shrink wrap the edges, set the pool cover pump on top...
  3. L

    Cutting my solar cover, any tips?

    I cut my cover down the middle seam then added a solar roller to each half just so I could manage it on my own. Best thing since sliced bread! ;)
  4. L

    Hello from California -- planning to replace current pool

    Hello & welcome! Sounds like a big project, one worth watching so be sure and take lots of pics to post (you can use Photobucket so you can post as many as you like). Folks around here love to look at pics! ;) One of the most wonderful things about this forum is the broad wealth of knowledge...
  5. L

    How would you repair this AGP wall?

    Honestly, if it were me, since that is the control panel, I'd order a new stainless steel panel. That's what we have and love the fact that it won't rust around all those important parts. Another option would be to find a machinist in your area, take your panel to him and have him price cutting...
  6. L

    Recovering from the pool store!

    OP, are you certain your gallons listed in your sig correct on your pool? I have a 33'x54" ABG and with the water very full, it is only 27,000 gallons. Didn't want your testing to be wrong if is was factored on too much water. :)
  7. L

    Cutting my solar cover, any tips?

    Spread over entire water surface. With cover flat on the water & using a very sharp knife, follow the curves of the pool, cutting the cover against the wall so that it remains flat on the water. We used a sharpie and marked on the top of the cover left & right. :)
  8. L

    Green swamp

    I'm curious where you are getting the bleach. Where I am, the only bleach available here for $1 is cleaning bleach and it's only 3% or less chlorine. Could be why you're going thru so much. I get mine from Walmart (Great Valu, $2.94) or Dollar General, $2.96) and both are 8.25% chlorine.
  9. L

    Thanks TFP!

    :goodpost: ^^^^^ I'll second that. PoolMath is always spot on when I use it.
  10. L

    Vacuuming the pool

    I'll confess one further and say not only do I not manually vacuum, rarely do I brush it either. The auto vac runs at least every other day and sometimes a little more often, depending on what falls from the pecan tree. I do check the walls when I'm testing and they always squeak so I'm good...
  11. L

    Beginner - Not too bad

    Espejo, I believe your targets are where they should be according to the Chlorine/CYA chart so great job on that. I also agree with Texas that since she is experiencing similar FC losses overnight, the cause is geographical, given that she lives fairly close to you. While we all follow the same...
  12. L

    Anyone else see this and wonder if it actually works

    Looks like an automated pool store, designed to give you warm fuzzzies that it's all being done for you, automatically, so all you have to do is chunk in the stuff they auto send. My guess is that the results would eventually be the same as if you'd driven to the store and retrieved their advice...
  13. L

    My frankenpool

    Just a reminder.... the pucks do not maintain CYA, they raise it. Over time, they will raise it to a level that it will make it harder to keep enough chlorine in the water to keep the algae at bay. Water replacement would be your only choice to lower it again. Good luck!
  14. L

    It works!

    Beautiful water! That's the reward for your focus and hard work & just think, maintaining will be easy and it will always look that way. Congrats! :whoot:
  15. L

    Pool/Beach/Tropical artwork for the pool house

    On a trip one time, we stopped at a unique little outdoor cafe for lunch. Every building they had on the property had a mural on the outside and some had inside as well. She said they used because they could upload their own pics to be made into murals. Wish I had taken some pics...