Recent content by kmorley

  1. K

    Recurring algae problem and disappearing Chlorine...

    The pool was mostly filled (about 2" less than normal because we are expecting more rain) by noon today, so I started the filtration and tested the water: pH 7.4 FC 0.2 CC 0.4 TA 100 CH 280 CYA 35 These are much better than the water I dumped yesterday! I attribute the CC of 0.4ppm being due...
  2. K

    Recurring algae problem and disappearing Chlorine...

    Jason: It's a good thought, but there has literally been no sun for days. I understand that it's UV rather than sun that affects Chlorine and you can still get plenty of UV to penetrate even on a cloudy day. So maybe that's it. I guess the point is that something is consuming chlorine like...
  3. K

    Recurring algae problem and disappearing Chlorine...

    Jason: When I couldn't get any color in the sample, I just stopped and didn't go further. Your suggestion is a good one, so I just went out and tested a sample. As before, no amount of DPD will make the 10ml sample turn pink. So I continued and added five drops of R-0003 and swirled. The...
  4. K

    Recurring algae problem and disappearing Chlorine...

    Jason: Thanks for the response and confirming my suspicions. I did not ever check CC because I couldn't even get a reading on FC (FC measured zero this morning). I wanted to understand what was going on there first.... I'm currently in the process of pumping the pool down. Once it's below...
  5. K

    Recurring algae problem and disappearing Chlorine...

    I am an experienced pool owner facing a problem that I have never before experienced: I have recurring algae which responds very well to shock - and then comes back a week later. The other symptom is the mystery of the disappearing chlorine, which I'm sure is related. I'll start from the...