Recent content by kmaggart

  1. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    Another followup: I went back and followed the process you described. You're right, I originally didn't complete the process. I did and now have a clear pool with proper chlorine levels. Thank you all for your help. I also love the new Intelliflo pump that I installed. I had not realized how...
  2. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    Oh, and we've been running the pump for 8 hours on 80%
  3. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    Follow up. I got the CYA down to the OK level for salt water. We SLAM'ed and finally got the chlorine up to a good level. Chlorine was fine yesterday afternoon. We had a little rain (.33 inch). This morning the chlorine is back to zero and I have steaks of algae. This thing is killing me. Any...
  4. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    Thanks. I will do just that.
  5. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    Re: Hayward Swimpure Plus I've added 4 gallons of 8.25% bleach to the 22k pool and still no chlorine reading from two sets of test strips. Looks like the readings have gone a little high - ph between 7.8-8.4 ; alk 120-180 and CyA 100-150. I know - get better testing stuff which I've ordered...
  6. K

    Swimpure Plus, 0 chlorine

    My Swimpure diagnostics shows 26.2 as the volts and 7.51 as the amps when supposedly generating. I installed this week, got the chemicals in the OK range but there doesn't seem to be any chlorine generating. I am going to shock tomorrow with liquid bleach as there was zero chlorine in the pool...