Recent content by jwsr

  1. J

    Borax, Borates, and my dog?

    That, is a good one! Thanks Jason, Tiz, and Casey. I thought it should be safe.
  2. J

    Borax, Borates, and my dog?

    I have had the most successful and trouble free pool summer since I started the BBB method when I replaced my liner in June! But, I am confused about the use of borax to raise PH, (which I haven't had to do since my initial filling of my new liner) and this thing about borates. I think I...
  3. J

    Why isn't my TC higher than FC?

    I'll try to help here. If I'm incorrect, someone with more knowlege can jump in. Total Chlorine is just as it sounds; the total amount of chlorine that's in the pool. This includes Free chlorine, which is chlorine that is still active and able to do it's job of sanitizing, and combined...
  4. J

    The dog days of summer photo contest

    This is my 9 month old yorkie, "Pogo" just lounging. 8-) And here he is, as far as he's gonna go. :shock:
  5. J

    Happy Bottom Pad - Urgent Question

    I know I'm a little late for your install, but maybe this will help someone else make a decision on a floor pad. I just had a new liner installed last month. With it, I put in new gladon pool cove, (the white higher density,) along with this pool floor pad called "Liner Shield"...
  6. J

    FAS DPD Testing

    That was quick! Thank you Jason. Have a good 4th! :-D Bama, My instructions simply say "two scoops," neither level, nor heaping. But using a level scoop, I did find that the test showed I raised my FC for shocking the exact amount as the pool calculator indicated that the amount of bleach I...
  7. J

    FAS DPD Testing

    I've searched and didn't find an answer to this. I'm new, this year, to the FAS chlorine test. I want to be sure on the amount of powder level when adding to the test tube. I take it for granted that each of the two scoops should be flush with the top of the little cup. What is the best way...
  8. J

    What do you use to measure liquid chemicals?

    32 oz. Pyrex measuring cup, handled carefully.
  9. J

    Thanks For All The Info!

    As you requested.......... a pic. Only have one that I took of the new liner for now. (before we put the steps back in) I'll get some wide angle shots showing the deck I built, the landscaping, and pump/filter set-up later.
  10. J

    Thanks For All The Info!

    I've been lurking here for a couple months now, learning a lot. You guys are really a helpful bunch of people. This was my 8th season opening my above ground pool. But, this time was a little different. After we closed and covered it last fall, we noticed the inner tube in the center...