Recent content by jbsussexsquare

  1. J

    Waterco TCF C75/ Chlorinator sucks air

    Hi, I posted this in "Introduce Yourself" but maybe posting here will help out a little more. I am JB, a maintenance tech at an apartment complex with a 120,000 gallon chlorine pool. There are three of us and none of us is a CPO, just Certified (PA Dept. of Agriculture) Pesticide Applicators...
  2. J

    Hi from Plymouth Meeting, PA

    Hi, I am JB, a maintenance tech at an apartment complex with a 120,000 gallon chlorine pool. There are three of us and none of us is a CPO, just Certified (PA Dept. of Agriculture) Pesticide Applicators. Basically we're allowed to put chemicals in the pool but we don't have real "pool training"...