Recent content by ILM

  1. I

    Liner Replacement advice?

    My liner is shot, seriously faded and leaking in a number of areas. I've had two pool companies each say come spring i need a new liner. Any advice or words of caution. Anything you wish you had done when you replaced a liner? Thanks.
  2. I

    yellow orange algae after SLAM

    Interesting you mentioned well water. earlier in the year I had a leak and filled about 20% of the pool with well water. The water immediately, like within one hour, turned green. I had the water checked at the pool store (this was prior to TFP) was told I had very high Iron and copper levels...
  3. I

    yellow orange algae after SLAM

    I slammed my pool a few weeks ago with liquid bleach and using the CYA chart and passed the overnight chlorine test. This cleared the water and my FC is still 10. However, a yellow-orange algae has reappeared. Do i need to slam again? The chlorine level has not been below 8 since the last...
  4. I

    Cloudy days after slam

    I've been told that the dirtier a sand filter the better it filter and to backwash only when the return pressure drops significantly. True or False? When to backwash? Thanks.
  5. I

    Cloudy days after slam

    I've kept at it the past four days. FC has been dropping roughly 1ppm per night and the other readings have remained pretty stable. The water is clearing because i can now see the profile of the bottom drain but it's clearing slooooowly. Two questions, (1) Is there anything to speed the...
  6. I

    Cloudy days after slam

    I have re-read the Slam procedures and have brought the FC back to Slam levels. I think i quit a little too soon. Thanks, will keep you posted.
  7. I

    Cloudy days after slam

    I shocked my pool 5 days ago, FC level up to 25. Filter has been running 24 hr. Water has cleared slightly but remains too cloudy to see more than about 3' deep. FC level dropped after first day and brought FC level back up to current level of 18ppm. FC = 18 CC = 0 Ph = 7.8 TA = 130 CH = 50...