Recent content by GeneS

  1. GeneS

    Keeping CL at optimal levels during the winter

    Thanks for the input. I assumed this was the case thanks for the reassurance. I really love not being tied to the pool stores since visiting this site and learning so much over the past few months.
  2. GeneS

    Keeping CL at optimal levels during the winter

    I am keeping my pool open for the winter here in SC. The previous owner told me the SWG will not produce CL when the water temps dip below 60. What is the best way to at clorine using the BBB method since I have no way to maintain a constant supply of CL? I really do not want to add tabs like he...
  3. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Day 5. Can now see the bottom drains almost perfectly. Day 1 = Day 3 = Day 5 = One more day and SLAM is complete!!! Thank you all for your info and advise :) Gene
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  7. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Day 4 of SLAM: last night added 1 1/2 jugs of bleach (180 oz) continue to SLAM as best I can without a FAS/DPD test kit (in the mail). I am doing my best estimating the CL levels (still reads well above 5 on my test kit) all other readings are nominal. So far all is progressing well. Pool is...
  8. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Thanks. I am currently still slamming although it has turn from swamp green to a pretty blue for about 36 hrs now but still cloudy. Without a good test kit yet (TF100 on the way) I am estimating my CL levels as best I can. Went from 6 gallons 8.25% bleach per day for 2 days down to 3 now. How...
  9. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    So after adding 6 jugs of Walmart bleach 8.25% last night and scrubbing/ vacuuming multiple times today, (all advice I received while browsing this forum) here is a great sign less than 24 hours later. I am so happy and learned a lot from you all and really want to see this outbreak through...
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  12. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Thanks and will do all you suggested. Tonight I will post my test results and update my pool info. Just ordered the Taylor TF 100 (about a week till delivery) and I will have to put up with the "store" tests till then.
  13. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Thanks for the advise. I plan on looking for the test kit today when I bring a sample to be tested at the pool store. Last night I did add 6 gallons of 8.75 bleach. This morning a vacumed and scrubed the sides agian. No real change so far. I plan to get the test done an add whats needed to bring...
  14. GeneS

    New homeowner with 30000 SWG pool. Algae bloom 1 week later. Trying to SLAM.

    Well I am the proud owner of a new home with a 30000 gal SWG pool. This is my first pool which I have only had for a week now and while I am trying to learn everything to keep up with it it developed an algae outbreak 3 days ago. Prior to the outbreak the FC levels were 4.0, ph 7.9, ALK 80ppm...