Recent content by Drayden21

  1. D

    Algae ring in skimmers

    Hello everyone I have been having a problem with a predominately black with a little bit of green build up around the inside of my skimmers. Assuming this is algae. I don't have it anywhere else except a little bit on the rail of my auto cover. Pool water is clear. Balancing is good except...
  2. D

    Help with balancing

    Alk is 100ppm CH is 250ppm Have the TF-100 test kit. If I use muriatic acid won't that lower my alk where my alkalinity is right where it needs to be?
  3. D

    Help with balancing

    CL: .5-1 PH: 8.2 TA: 10000 CH: 2500 CYA: 55 20000 gallon plaster Trying to close my pool tomorrow. I haven't backwashed for a few weeks. Should I backwash and add some DE before close. See my ph is to high what should I use.
  4. D

    Alkalinity is High?

    I am new to trouble free pool. I have been a pool owner now for 4 years. trying to learn more about maintaining my pool rather than relying on someone else. I had my water tested today and I am suspect about the results. before I had it tested I use 6 test strips to test myself. my results...