Recent content by davekippen

  1. davekippen

    Sucking air somewhere

    Sorry, bubbles in the pump. The basket lid is clear so I can see the water flowing. It has much turbulance/bubbles and I just wasnt sure if there should be *no* bubbles seen there.
  2. davekippen

    Sucking air somewhere

    Great info, thanks. To clarify, there should be no bubbles at all running through the pump? zero, zilch nada?
  3. davekippen

    Sucking air somewhere

    This is probably a common question but every setup is different. I watched some videos and have checked the pump cover seal already, it seems fine. Here are the symptoms: Bubbles in the return lines (not super bad, but bad enough) Loud gurgling or bubbling sound in the multi-valve atop the pump...


  5. davekippen

    Pool cover "flatness"?

    LOL! Just trying to squeeze every tenth of a degree out of the cold Michigan springs and falls! I should spend that 15 minutes drinking a beer I guess. :cool:
  6. davekippen

    Pool cover "flatness"?

    I spend about 15 minutes every time we pull the solar cover back on trying to flatten out all the air bubbles. Am I wasting my time? Does it really matter? Is my OCD hanging out again?? :D:D:D