Recent content by D.sebens

  1. D

    Not sure if I am finished with a slam.

    Thank you! That should really cut down on the chlorine use!
  2. D

    Not sure if I am finished with a slam.

    So my cover came off my above ground pool through winter due to high winds. Instead of fighting it I just left it. I opened the pool and filled it the rest of the way up then started slamming. I have 30CYA so I am doing 12 ppm. Occasionally adjusting ph down to 7 as it rises. I've got it to...
  3. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Keep in mind 7.2-7.8 is all a good working range.
  4. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Also what’s your ta? you might need to shock the bromine by raising it above 10ppm. Bromine always seems to smell a little bit but if in doubt dump in bleach or the dichlor to get it up to 10 and let it run down on its own.
  5. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    I think you generally want two 2 hours filter cycles a day. How low is your ph going?
  6. D

    Im back & starting over!

    I may be wrong but I feel like your liner is like a foot too big. Is it possible you put the top rails of the pool in the wrong holes in the plate and it is pushing the top of the pool in? Are you sure it’s sitting flat along the sides around the rest of the pool?
  7. D

    Old and new pump motor both shut down after a few seconds

    Just an idea what if you ran it dry, will it still shut off? My thought is what if the impeller is wrong and WAY oversized.
  8. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Yep keep on it. It will clear up quick.
  9. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Yeah you will have that. The cloudyness is organics that haven’t died. Keep your bromine up and it will go away. Just like a pool you just need to keep it up for a while. Its not so much about shocking ad providing constant sanitizer. The bromine will burn out most detergents but not all the...
  10. D

    Is this just Bleach?

    Never mind, I miss read your post! You’ve got it right.
  11. D

    Is this just Bleach?

    Bleach is usually 6% or less sodium hypochlorite. Pool chlorine is usually 10-12.5%sodium hypochlorite. Make sure you put the right percentage of the product you are using.
  12. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Also, congratulations! Good job on the whole thing, I’m sure the family will love it.
  13. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Ozone is still basically a sales thing. Mine has it too. You would need to take the side panel off and see if the light is even working. It draws air past the ozone light and sucks it into the tub. Just because you have bubbles doesn’t mean that the ozone works. Plus it’s not considered a fast...
  14. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    See if ph wants to rise with some use. If it does work on lowering ta down to 50. It might be happy where you have it now though.
  15. D

    Tub procedure given to me - Bromine - opinions?

    Technically everything is good for use now. Ph is good ta is close. Ch is just a quality thing. Sanitizer is good! Keeping ta down helps keep ph from raising too much. Any ph from 7-7.8 is fine. Once you get ph to stabilize its alright if it’s up in the high 7’s.