Recent content by Clnewpool

  1. C

    Toddler in pool

    So we should go ahead and shock the pool?
  2. C

    Toddler in pool

    My son went swimming with me tonight and was wearing a swim diaper. I noticed when he got out that he went poop and some leaked out. Do I have anything to worry about? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  3. C

    Polaris filter clogged

    It is a Unichlor salt generator...apparently there are not a lot of them. I am going to fill it up as it says to over the weekend. The pool cleaning company I am using does not seem to understand that have to use salt pellets.
  4. C

    Polaris filter clogged

    Thanks!! Also, should they be putting chlorine tablets in my saltwater pool skimmers? My pool was converted to saltwater using a Unichlor unit and it looks like the salt pellets are low.
  5. C

    Polaris filter clogged

    I noticed that my Jandy Energy Filter is clogged up with debris from tree flowers around my pool. My Polaris filter is now clogging with the same debris. Are these two related? This pool is new to me, so I was thinking about pulling out the filter element and cleaning it myself. Thoughts?