Recent content by Chrismoyer

  1. C

    Best Vinyl Vacuum Head?

    I have a vinyl-lined pool and I hate the vacuum head that I have. Who has one that they absolutely love? And why?
  2. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    Lol yeah and the 90s are a different look than the 45s…I’m not a fan but they were out of stock on the longer 90s and I wanted it done lol.
  3. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    Update: I did not do the OCLT. I know, I’m a terrible person lol. I forgot to do it before church Sunday morning and then we used the pool for Fathers Day and every day since, basically. This is a picture from today, pool still looks amazing 3 days later. I feel like the SLAM definitely did the...
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  5. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    Everything is looking great! I will be performing the OCLT tonight and hopefully it will pass!
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  8. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    The stairs are weighed down with sealed containers full of sand. Unfortunately, with the way the stairs are designed, I don’t think I can effectively clean them even with additional holes. I will probably just need to pull them out once a season and really clean them.
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  11. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    If you saw my picture of what it looked like when I removed the stairs, you will see there is an obvious difference lol. Not quite there yet but I’m confident it will work out!
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  13. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    It’s going! Lol. Started last night. Almost 24 hours in and it’s looking pretty good.
  14. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    Yeah, that was my original problem. Isolated spots. But once I pulled out the stairs I figured out that there were pounds of that stuff in there and the pump was causing some of it to come out into the main part of the pool, causing those pockets. This picture is what happened when I took out...
  15. C

    Constant Dirt in Pool

    Awesome, thank you