Recent content by Brandoga

  1. B

    No chlorine from SWG - sudden onset

    I have a Pureline Crystal Pure 60K gal SWG, installed 2018; rated for 10,000 hours. Usually maintains adequate Cl when set at 18-20%, pump run for 8h/d.. Suddenly, Cl was dropping, despite setting SWG to 100%. Plates looked clean a month ago when I installed it (after it was removed for...
  2. B

    Does Dolphin Active 30i work in gunite pools?

    I have a Dolphin Active 30i for about a year. It seems to need to be run 2 or 3 times to get all of my 16 x 32 gunite 25,000 gal pool. It seems like many of the TFP good reviews are from folks with vinyl liners. Anyone with a gunite pool have experience or tips to share?
  3. Pool _2.jpg

    Pool _2.jpg

  4. B

    Vacation and new SWG. What to do?

    First, thanks to the all the info here on TFP and to those who have responded to my few questions, and against the advice of a few pool professionals I've changed to a 2 speed motor and SWG and I'm deliriously happy. I also got a dense mesh safety cover last fall, and the pool was completely...
  5. B

    Replace pump motor with dual speed?

    Thanks for the quick answer - I don't understand much about matching the impeller. Does that mean, though, that I can swap out the same size motor (1.5 hp) for a dual speed of the same rating?
  6. B

    Replace pump motor with dual speed?

    I have an old 1.5 HP single speed high-flow Centurion motor on a CHII-N1-1 Pac-Fab pump. The motor has always been too big -- designed for a water feature that we never added. Pool equipment guys have told me it is oversized for my 25,000 gallon gunnite pool and 62 GPM sand filter. I've kept...
  7. B

    Can I Close without mustard algae cure?

    Pea-green pool last spring, cleared in <5 days with bleach, subsequent excellent year with BBB now that my CYA is in the normal range. Had trouble with mustard algae in early Sept, did SLAM and MA shock, then was out of town for 4 weeks, unable to get someone to add chlorine. We are in extreme...
  8. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    So replaced about 1000 gal of water,kept the FC above 30 for a couple of days, over 20 the last 2 days, and we got about 3 inches of rain. FC was 11 last night. This morning FC was 9. Added 1 jug 8.25% bleach FC 14 pH 7.4 CH 250 CYA 80 (straight, and repeated twice w/ 1:1 dilutions, new...
  9. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Well, FC was 24 last night, 18 this AM, pool's uncovered. CYA is 100-110 (can't repeat it again until new reagent arrives this week), CH 260. A little cloudy (maybe from all the cal hypo?) Adding 8.25% bleach today, hoping for the best.
  10. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Rates here for 20K gallons: $65 water, $245 sewer. Welcome to Atlanta (where we need to raise money to fix the sewer system so untreated water doesn't keep flowing down the Chattahoochee to you guys in FL.) Solar cover is squeaky clean - no slime. Deep cleaned the filter - no clumps...
  11. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    P.S. When might it be safe to go in the water? I just retired from CDC, and it would be extremely embarrassing to get either (1) a flesh-eating bacteria or (2) chlorine burns.
  12. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Yes, pool got to zero chlorine when my friend went to pool store and got the PhosFree. He used it and 2 jugs bleach, kept the solar cover on. FC was zero again the next day, when I got home. I added three 121 oz jugs of 8.25% bleach, based on suggested FC levels (before I tested the CYA). The...
  13. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Thanks for all the comments. I've read through Chem Geek's equations before (in the Deep End) and understand the science somewhat. If I read it right, his post yesterday on Rental Pool (thanks) suggests I might be able to inhibit algae with a slightly lower FC level, if I get ahead of the...
  14. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Sorry -- I was away for a while. Trichlor dosing went on for 2+ months. Hadn't checked CYA since I opened the pool in the spring, when it was 60. Also reluctant to drain, but I'm also going to have to buy a submersible pump to drain it down... (Also forgot to mention borates = 50)
  15. B

    Advice about FC and CYA

    Have been lurking TFP for several years, just joined the forum. Thanks for great results with TFPC. I mostly try to use bleach, but sometimes add Trichlor tabs when I'm away for a week or so. Pool has looked great all year. A friend was looking after the pool while I was away, noted low (or...