Recent content by bet2cu

  1. bet2cu

    Can I drain pool using pump?

    I have a main drain, but as far as I know I cant isolate. I need a pool book for Dummies! LOL! I just came from Lowes with my new sump pump in tow & 150 ft. of hose to boot. I'm really sad about this but I don't know what else I can do at this point. I know its my fault cause I added to much...
  2. bet2cu

    Can I drain pool using pump?

    When I try this, I get air in my in my basket at the pump, the hose collapses. I'm going to scream. I have never had such an issue. I was just trying to have this thing swimmable by the 4th. Future foam pit is sounding good about now!
  3. bet2cu

    Can I drain pool using pump?

    I planned on draining a third. Water is to expensive here in TN.
  4. bet2cu

    Can I drain pool using pump?

    about 1/3 of the pool.
  5. bet2cu

    Can I drain pool using pump?

    I need to drain a significant amount of water from my pool to lower the cya. I do don't have a sump pump on hand. So I just want to make sure I don't burn up the pump motor my husband just had rebuilt. I have cartridge filters so there is a drain on the bottom of the egg or there is a three way...
  6. bet2cu


    first pool turned a little cloudy. Added 12% liquid chlorine, and bleach 2 days later(price of liquid chlorine has gone up) and now I can see through the water but it is a shade of light green, like it almost wants to just at that point to turn blue. I can add a picture tomorrow. thanks, Bet
  7. bet2cu


    :drown: Hello! So I started tinkering with the BBB method last year with much luck. So this year I went all out and ordered the taylor k-2006.So I've been trying to understand where my results were and where they should be. Now I feel like I have over analyzed, if that's possible. Make a long...