Recent content by Axis910

  1. Axis910

    Skimmer Line Clogged by DE filter

    Hi Texas Spash: When you say "push to the skimmer/filter" do you mean stir the DE filter up into the water and let the pool recirculation bring it to the drain/skimmer? Thank you again.
  2. Axis910

    New Pool Owner

    Hi there! Is the TF-100 easy to use? I've been testing my water at Leslie's Pool Supplies. Are both the same? Regarding straight bleach clorine and liquid pool shock: I have bags of powder shocks. are they the same thing? Thanks,
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  4. Axis910

    New Pool Owner

    Hi there! I'm a new pool owner. We purchased and moved into this house in 2018 and it came with a 35,000g freeform pool. Trying to make it work so my family can enjoy it, but so far it's a losing battle ..
  5. Axis910

    Skimmer Line Clogged by DE filter

    Hi everyone, I'm a new pool owner and due to labor shortage, have not been able to get any pool companies to come and maintain it for me. Since opening, the pool has had a variety of problems, forcing me to learn things on the get go. First I tackled the green algae and PH balance. Next I had...
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