Recent content by a–guy-with-a-pool

  1. a–guy-with-a-pool

    Exposed rebar above skimmer basket

    Thanks! Not really what I want to hear but definitely what I need to hear. I'm guessing the corrosion had been there before the pool was replastered, at which point they probably just slapped some mortar on it, put a few tiles on the front, and called it a day. Wonder if anyone will come out...
  2. a–guy-with-a-pool

    Exposed rebar above skimmer basket

    Hi Folks, Moved into our current house in November; noticed a few weeks ago that there is a tile missing from above one of the skimmer inlets. With the tile gone, the rebar is rusted and exposed. As far as I can tell, it's been this way since we've moved in (I haven't found any loose tiles)...
  3. IMG_20200711_142922.jpg
