What to do?


Bronze Supporter
May 7, 2017
Providence Forge, VA
Here is my problem, I have been without a pump for over 3 weeks now and it looks like it will be Friday or next week before I can get it up and running. I have been keeping it as clean as I can by skimming and running my Dolphin A30i. The chemical balance as well as possible, adding LC when needed. I maintain a little flow inside the pool, by using my pool cover pump fully submerged, so at least it's not totally stagnet but it's only enough to mix up the chemicals a little. My current readings are FC 6, PH 7.4, TA 90, CH 225 and CYA 50. This is about as good as I can do without a pump but the water is starting to get cloudy. My question is when I finally get the pool people out to replace my pump, what procedures do you guys recommend? I want to get it cleaned up and balanced so I can shut it down for the winter. Any recommendations?
When I lost my pump due to the hurricane Irma (power) I kept my FC at shock level (that would be 20 for you) since there isn't much circulation you will be much less likely to have anything start growing, but lets see if others would handle it differently. Once my power was restored I let the FC drop slowly back to normal in a couple days as I ran the pump longer to clean up some mud that was washed in. Never really had any problems, also brush daily if possible that will keep circulation improved as well
Here is my problem, I have been without a pump for over 3 weeks now and it looks like it will be Friday or next week before I can get it up and running. I have been keeping it as clean as I can by skimming and running my Dolphin A30i. The chemical balance as well as possible, adding LC when needed. I maintain a little flow inside the pool, by using my pool cover pump fully submerged, so at least it's not totally stagnet but it's only enough to mix up the chemicals a little. My current readings are FC 6, PH 7.4, TA 90, CH 225 and CYA 50. This is about as good as I can do without a pump but the water is starting to get cloudy. My question is when I finally get the pool people out to replace my pump, what procedures do you guys recommend? I want to get it cleaned up and balanced so I can shut it down for the winter. Any recommendations?
I would do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test right away to see it the cloudiness is particulates from no filtration, or algae. If you fail the OCLT, bring the pool up to shock level and keep it there until the pump is replaced. At that point complete a SLAM Process, with the filter running 24/7 and brushing daily.

If you pass the OCLT, assume particulates (dirt) and stay the course you are on except raise FC a bit to 20% of CYA (FC 10ppm) as a safety net.
Thanks guys. I have checked the OCL and it's about normal for as cool as it's been here. I think it's getting cloudy just from not being filtered. My Dolphin does a little filtering but not near enough for the whole pool. I think I will raise the FC level to about 15 until I get the pump replaced. I should have just ordered a new pump and replaced it myself, I would have been up and running in less than a week. My wife didn't want to spend the money, as the current pump is under warranty, so I am at the mercy of the installers. I self installed this pump this past spring and I was told I have to have the warranty replacement sent to and installed by a professional service center. This place I am using is the one nearest to me but they are really backed up with all the pool closings and naturally they are taking care of their regular customers first.I tried to tell my wife that the install would cost me almost half what the new pump would cost, $200 plus for the service call and first hour but it just didn't register.
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