Vegasmom's Pool Build

Glad you liked it, Casey 8) The hubby was very pleased when he came home. (he has a thing for these trees, it's his baby) Surprisingly, this is one thing we've done that went off without a hitch. (with the exception of a few phone calls and emails from my HOA!!) I watched every second and made sure it was planted at proper elevation (initially it was low and one brave soul got in the hole as the palm hovered 6' above his head to add and level more sand!)

Back on topic now with the deck...I fixed it! Aquamix (plug, plug) sells a miraculous product called Eff-EX and let me tell you it worked like a charm. Not the easiest because it has a gel like consistency and you can't let it dry out on the surface, rinsing takes awhile especially the way I did it. Not all the pavers had efflorescence so I was trying to keep from wetting the surrounding areas. My wetvac came in very handy! It has a neutral PH and no smell, burned skin, etc. etc.

So, I've begun putting a coat of their sealer on and then I'll feel much better about workers coming back in with more water, mortar and grout. I remember my tile installer thanking me for sealing the stacked stone before he set it. It makes it a much cleaner install.

We're so close now I can almost feel the water on my toes and hear the sound of the waterfall *sigh*
I am pretty new here and just read through you entire post. All I can really say is wow! I really don't know what to say!! I just hope the next house we buy has a pool in it becasue although I am pretty business savy, I probably would have been taken to the cleaners on several accounts from what I've read here. Thanks for sharing your insights and I really hope it works out, I'm sure it will but a little wishing for extra luck never hurts :) . I was especially impressed with that palm tree, WOW!! I have four full size ones in my backyard that we inherited when we bought the house. Although my wife and myself like two of the palm trees, we don't like the other two, I think they are queeen palms. They have outgrown there cutness and now when we look out the kitchen window all we see are two massive trunks because they are so high. I thought I could take them out, but after seeing your pics, I guess that is not going to be possible. Especially after I saw that crane!!! OMG!!. I could just imagine seeing something like that hovering over my house with a 10,000lb treee attached to it!! That would be the only way to remove them as a whole tree. As much as we really don't care for them, we really don't want to kill the trees, especially when so many people want mature palms. Anyway, I know it will all work out, and thanks for sharing those pics with us!
Thanks, Plankton :-D Yes, this last year with this build has been a true test of patience (and my marriage, LOL)! The hubby and I have been in a state of remodel in one form or another for 3.5 yrs. We are so over it! I told him I am never moving unless the new house already has a pool and everything is exactly the way we want it.

Queen palms can be very pretty, but here in Vegas they struggle because of our cold winters. Hubby likes the Canary palms and I like the Phoenix Dates (we fought over which would go by the pool...I won) That palm we just put in is a Vegas tree that was only on the lot for about a week when my hubby saw it. It's about a 60 yr. old tree, and it makes me kind of sad to think someone needed the money and had to sell it. So I said a little something for them (not real religious here) and welcomed the tree to our home. If you don't really like yours, they transplant rather nicely. If there is a tree co. that buys palms, they may handle the crane part of it. I wasn't really nervous with it...those guys are very good at what they do.
Wow, that's a HUGE Palm!! Nice!

I feel your pain on the remodeling. My wife and I totally remodeled our first house, and I mean we gutted it down to the floor joists. We removed walls and added new ones, installed skylights, installed new ceilings, installed new flooring, new plumbing fixtures, cabinets, etc. etc. We did everything ourselves except refinishing the hardwoods. It took around 3 years and when it was done it was exactly what we wanted. Then we had 2 more kids and so much for our perfect house :cry: When we moved I swore I would never put that much effort into remodeling again, but it's like some kind of sickness I guess :)
Thanks, Tres. The last couple days have been traumatic around here. Our dog has been trapping bunnies in the debris pile (it's gone now) left by pool co. He killed a couple the other night so that new tree is their resting place. Poor things :( We're still trying to get things finished up.. as per usual everything takes longer than it's supposed to.

I can't imagine doing that much work by myself! Wow, I'm sure it's beautiful but I know what you mean about kids! I'm a Virgo that changed my way of being when they became toddlers. Add into that a dog that sheds endlessly and it's a losing battle. I've learned to chill. :wink:

Still waiting for 'final' things to be completed for inspection. PB has several things to take care of, and I had ordered a pool code gate from a fence co., they brought it out yesterday, wrong. Need to go down there today and straighten it out but I have a question and if anyone knows the answer, it would be helpful. This gate is our courtyard entry and it is wired for an electronic latch that we control from inside the house. One of the installers said he didn't think this type of setup was code. The guy that came out to measure for it said he thought it was fine (then he neglected to cut out for the unit on the frame, among other mistakes) I'll call the city to find out on Monday. I just assumed the fence co. does enough of these to know but I don't want to make another mistake.

I've settled with the paver guy, he was very understanding and as I suspected, relieved. The PB's masonry guy who did the coping and wall caps will be fixing the loose pavers and regrouting in the next few days.
Gotta love the internet...I found the codes online and electronic latches are acceptable. Now I just have to worry about my deck that's too high. I do not have 2" between it and the weep screed around the house. I've brought this up and no one seemed to be too concerned about it. Like it's one of those things inspectors don't make a big deal out of. :? Maybe not on someone else's pool. Would be our luck...
You're getting so close! That's great news :)

Regarding the code requirements on the pool gate, all the Residential Building Code requires is a self-closing, self-latching gate. A mag-lock is fine per that code assuming that it engages automatically whenever the gate closes. Sometimes local codes have more specific requirements although I haven't heard of any regarding gates.

It looks like your house is plaster or EIFS, does it have a weep system? Is that what you're talking about with the "weep screeds"? I've never seen a weep system with plaster or EIFS before, maybe that's a localized thing. We use them a lot on masonry buildings though, and the 2" requirement is mainly to ensure that water doesn't back up into the wall cavity during a heavy rain event. Enforcement is up to the local code official as you suspected and they will look at what kind of drainage you have and whether or not the walls are under overhangs. As long as you have good drainage slope away from the house it should be OK.
My heart goes out to you Vegasmom. When I started reading this thread I thought for sure that I would see the pictures from start to finish,by looking at the date of the first post. I would have been thrown in jail by now for murdering someone ,of course I have almost zero patience. Although from reading your build "blog" I can see that you have enough patience for yourself ,me , and probably four or five other people. I wish you all the luck with finishing your project smoothly, and will be looking forward to seeing the pool completed.
Hey Tres,

Well we have the deck drain that is about 20' or so away from the area I'm concerned about. It is sloping and covered under the patio. Maybe we'll be OK. My biggest fear is they'll fail us and we'll have to cut out and insert another drain along the house side.



Fence co. said they did indeed screw up (this is a reputable co. been in town 30yrs.) they'll let me know tomorrow how soon to remake the gate. I just kind of shake my's like everybody gets stupid when they walk through here. It's our curse, I'm tellin ya!

Pedro, thank you :) I think we may go down in history as one of the longest builds. I really made a (nother) mistake when I didn't insist on a new completion date months ago. It just seemed like we were so close and everything was going to fall in place. You know they say patience is a virtue, but I think there's a fine line between having it, and letting people walk over you. I'm guilty of both, the first to a fault. I've picked my battles carefully and eventually learned it isn't always necessary 'to win'. At some point in dealing with these so-called professionals, I've realized the only one I can really rely on is myself and the way I deal with situations.

We'll look back on this a year from now and have a good laugh. Or at least a smile. While we're floating along sipping margaritas 8)

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I haven't posted in over a week but we are still making progress. Slow progress, but...

Concrete guy came and poured the outer deck areas today and will come back in the morning to acid wash. I'll post some pics tomorrow of that and my BBQ countertops and little round firepit top are in. I'm loving the new stone (WZ let me hand pick these and they're much nicer than the last batch) The fabricators were really great and did a beautiful job. If anyone in the Vegas area needs this kind of work or carpet/flooring, I'm plugging Carpets N More. Throughout this whole project they never screwed anything up and were extremely professional. They even re-fabricated and didn't charge (they had already done the last 3 slabs of the 'off' stone) That's going above and beyond and deserves a mention.

Now the only thing *still* holding me up is my gate. The company promised the remake Mon. or sooner (last week) then they said that was wrong, it will be the end of this week. I'm kicking myself for not having taken care of this sooner, but it was something that completely slipped my mind until the pool co. mentioned it a couple weeks ago. And it shouldn't have taken this long but it's busy season and they messed up the first one. So, we wait a few more days for it and then can call for the inspection.

Deck still has not been fixed. This is PB again and I've got my patience hat on. :silent:

I'll post a few pics tomorrow. Gotta go watch Idol...go D.C.! We get Neil tonight *sigh*
Oh Vegasmom! I'm pretty new here and I just read through all of your posts as well. I start my project in a couple of weeks and you and I seem to have the same kind of luck NON! I have to say I'm sick to my stomach just thinking about the nightmare I'm about to get into aside a years worth of planning. Your strength is certainly patience and a true gift :) I can only hope if I do have issues I can be half as patient as you've been. Take heart it looks like it is nearing the end and looks absolutely amazing. You've done a great job. :thumleft:
Hey Whoozer, thanks for the nice words :) One things for sure, any other project we take on after this will seem like a piece of cake! It was kind of funny this morning I had 3 different companies show up at the same time to do work. At this point, to heck with telling anyone they can't show up because someone else is in here. I'll let them duke it out. Landscaper's tile guys (for the BBQ) will come back tomorrow. PB masonry guy is coming back in a few hours.

I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming build. My best advice is to get any changes to the contract in writing, communicate with the office people on a regular basis, expect issues to come up that weren't planned for and be somewhat flexible with solutions. Maybe consider some sort of penalty if they miss the est. completion date (I know a lot of people that have done this) Haha, our pool would have been free, LOL! Don't be too trusting or friendly, this is a business arrangement! Take lots of pics 8)
I was wondering how things were going since we hadn't heard from you in a while. Good to hear it's still moving forward! We're in the middle of landscaping right now. If I had hired it out it would be done by now, LOL! I tell you though, I'm so tired of landscapers spacing plants for their "now" size instead of their mature size. I just decided to heck with it, if I can't get anyone else to do it right I'll do it myself. Keep us posted on your progress!!
Yeah, I kind of hesitate to post anymore photos until the landscaping is in. It will be so nice to finally have a finished product. I hear you on the landscapers, we did our own on the last pool. My brother helped plant palms and has 2 back surgeries to show for it. He's never been the same. No guilt there, geez :( Anyway, hope it goes swiftly for you. That's the fun part for me, I'm a plant nut. Less fun digging the holes but since I'm not doing it.... 8) I've got to find some lg. planters that will fit behind the waterwall. We're putting in black bamboo (saying a prayer that they can take the exposure)
I could go on and on about landscape, haha....

Here's a few pics, the first is the firepit in the sunken area. We're going to put fireglass in there.


The BBQ, yay! Not staying green. Was never supposed to *be* green. Have a great color ready to go, plus the tile and stonework will begin tomorrow. 2 umbrella holes but I'll probably only use 1. Nothing fancy, just a 36" grill from BBQ Galore, and I think a trash can. No fridge, I have one right outside the kitchen door with a sink and so far we haven't used it much. Didn't get the side burner and hope I don't regret it. I will probably put in a 2 drawer system as one of the cutouts will fit one and it's just slated for storage.


This is my sundeck, it's on a raised platform so it looks like it's floating. I plan on putting beach pebbles under there. The concrete is just acid washed gray. It's still streaky and splotchy right now but should cure out and blend well with what's there. My Af. Sumacs look sad. I've been their only source of water for almost a year. They'll come back.

That's it for now.

I'm glad to hear everything is progressing as well as can be given everything you've been through. I don't want to jinx you by saying "good" Ha Ha. Anyway, I have couple of favors, if the type of bamboo you are going to plant behind your fountain, when you do would you post pics? My wife and I have the same idea, but only we want to dig up one of our "baby" queen palms and put it behind our fountain. Thing is we can't find a pot big enough to plant it in. We don't want to place it in the ground because we already have two huge queen palms on either side of our fountain. I'll have to take pics and post. Also that is a neat fire pit! I did not know they made gas appliances for outdoor fire pits. Could you post more info on that? This is all after you catch your breath and the pool and landscaping is done. You don't have to do it now. I know you have bigger things to worry about. Thanks!
WOW, those look so nice! I love the one piece top for the firepit! And that raised sundeck looks so cool! I love the little cantilever on it!! You've got some great detailing, like the recessed base at the column. Really tastefully done.

So is that tap in the firepit temporary? Surely they're not going to make you go digging in the glass pebbles to turn the gas on are they (and I don't know how the heck you'd turn it off without getting burned!)
Hey Plankton, sure no problem..I'll post some pics :) The landscapers are here now grading and cleaning up. I just got back from Lowe's and got five 70.5 qt. fiberglass planters for the bamboo. I can see how it would be tough to find a lg. enough one for a Queen palm. The lightweight ones are great, maybe you'll track one down. Check online, I know DWR has really big ones, but they come with a pretty price tag, too. If it's something you'll see though you want it to look nice. The ones I got aren't great but they'll be mostly hidden. I'm going to have them sink them as much as they can, too. (pool pipes are back there, so prob. not much) The only reason I got them was to keep the bamboo from taking over/causing problems.

The firepit as well as the firebowls are run from our natural gas line. The units that are in there now will get switched out. I guess they're in the process of approving the diff. fire rings, auto-ignites, etc. Right now, they are not code. Oh, and doesn't everyone love the door alarms they make us put on?! I'd like to take a bat to them. :twisted:

Tres, the firepit has a key on the outside. I bet they'd like to see me stick my hand in there, though, haha! Yeah, the cantilever was my landscaper's idea (he works with my concrete guy occasionally) He thought it would be a nice touch. I'm waiting for some pebble samples from a stone co. in FL and then I have to convince my hubby we need them and it's going to cost extra. :queen: The stuff they sell locally and call Mex. Beach pebble is nothing more than river rock. Naturally, I've gotta have the stuff from Peru. :-D

I'll post some more pics later....
Here's the progress on the stone for the BBQ. They earned their money mitering those corners! Looks better that way. And.. it's been so long and I've been so bogged down with details, I didn't realize I've got a drawer unit going in. That was a nice surprise today.

The deck is done. Masonry guy is slow to get over here but he's worth the wait. We were worried about popping out pavers to reset ( I only have 2 left over) He used some type of steel epoxy and filled the voids on all the corners. That's where they were moving. Used a special flex grout that dries harder than anything I've ever seen. So, it should be fine now. I have a few high/low pavers that could have been set better (from the first co.) but it's not a huge deal. Overall, it looks really good.

Tomorrow they should finish the tile. The backsplash will be the same as the waterline tile, and the outer overhang will be the small glass like in the recessed areas on the middle wall.

TresW said:
We're in the middle of landscaping right now. If I had hired it out it would be done by now, LOL! I tell you though, I'm so tired of landscapers spacing plants for their "now" size instead of their mature size. I just decided to heck with it, if I can't get anyone else to do it right I'll do it myself. Keep us posted on your progress!!

Ok, so...this is my first real experience with landscapers. Not as much fun as I thought, LOL. What was that you said about spacing? Oh, yeah. I'm already seeing that, plus they had them all lined up like soldiers and one or two small plants (that will stay small) all by themselves up against the back wall. Literally, 1/2" from the wall.

I am by no means a professional, but I've been sticking plants in the ground long enough to know a little something about placement. I show them, and think it's safe to go get the kids from school. I can leave for an hour, right? :roll:

The fence co. is supposed to call me in the next 20 min. to let me know if I'm ever going to get my gate. It's 6' H x 3' W. That's it. You'd think they were fabricating a park fence a mile long.

So that's it for now. No more pics til it's finished.

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