superflo vs. whisperflo

The designs are slightly different. The Whisperflo uses a higher efficiency motor than the Superflo. However, because the Superflo is a smaller pump for the same label HP, it tends to have a better energy factor (gallons/watt-hr). Both are good pumps and I would recommend either one but sizing is important so keep in mind that a 1 HP up rated Superflo has a head curve that much much lower than a 1 HP up rated Whisperflo so they are not equals in terms of performance.

If you would like some help sizing the pump, I have a few questions:

First, why do you want a 1 HP and how did you size the pump?

What is your current pump model and filter pressure?

What is the pump elevation relative to the water level?

What is the maximum recommended flow rate of your filter?

Do you have any water features, spa jets, floor cleaners, suction/pressure cleaner?

What is the diameter of your suction and return lines and how many do you have going from pool to pump?

What is the distance of your plumbing runs pool to pump?
22k pool
36 FNS nautilus filter
pump is a and old all bronze aqua flo ( i dont even know what size as all data plates are missing )
fresh clean the pressure is 4-6
the plumbing is 1 1/2" , I was going to increase that to 2"
the pump sits about 8" above waterline.
I have a small spa with 3 jets and the pool has 2 jets.
hayward nav cleaner.
also 2 skimmers in pool. i have 1 blocked as the cleaner works better.

thanks for the response and the help. I am looking to install new pump, and heater, I know the filter is a little small, but it is new and i am struggling to afford the other two items, any help with sizing is appreciated. the reason for 1hp. is I am thinking about solar down the road so need the lift to second story when that happens.
The Superflo pump is a medium head pump. The WhisperFlo pump is a High Head pump. If you have 2" plumbing use the WhisperFlo. 1 1/2 inch plumbing use the SuperFlo. I sell and install Hayward equipment, so I would recommend a Super Pump or a Hayward Tristar. It produces more flow at the same HP as the SuperFlo or the Whisperflo. Either way, I recommend you go to your local retailer or servicer and let them help you choose the right pump. The wrong size pump makes all the difference in the world regarless of the brand.
the reason for 1hp. is I am thinking about solar down the road so need the lift to second story when that happens.
Nearly any IG pump can do that. I have a 1/2 HP running solar on a two story roof.

However, the spa is really going to be the feature which will determine the flow rate requirements. You really don't want weak jets.

Unfortunately, because we don't have much information about the old pump, it is going to be a little more difficult to characterize your plumbing but not impossible. The 36 sq-ft filter is small, and you should limit flow rates to less than 72 GPM. I have a few more follow up questions:

Do you know what size spa jets you have? They should be either 3/8" or 7/16" jets.

You said that you will be changing the plumbing from 1 1/2" to 2" but is that on the pad only?

What is the distance from your pool/spa to the pump?

Do the skimmer lines run separately all the way from the pool to the pump or do they combine first at the pool?

Do you know what the eyeball size is for the pool returns? Usually 3/4" or 1".
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The jets are 7/16"
The hole in the skimmer is 1 1/2" so I assume the return lines are 1 1/2" I was planning on changing the size on the pad to 2". The pump is about 15' from pool, but i don't know how the lines are run under the concrete. the farthest skimmer is about 25' and the the other 20' the spa is about 35'.

Sorry, one more question. Are the spa lines 1 1/2" as well? This adds so much restriction, I would expect your spa jets to be very weak no matter what pump is used.
the 3 spa jets have plenty of power as well as the 2 in the pool. They are copper lines, so I have no idea what size they are. The jets may be 3/8, but I have not measured, the 7/16 is just a guess.
There are a lot of unknowns about this setup and am trying to make sense of things you are telling me. So I have a few more requests:

Can you please post a picture of the equipment pad setup?

Does the filter pressure go to zero when the pump shuts off?

Provide the filter pressure for the following conditions:

1 - Pool mode with both skimmers fully open and without the cleaner attached

2 - Spa mode with jets running
Ok. I am stuck at work until Friday. I will snap a few photos then. The pump goes to zero when shut down. I have 2 intake valves( old school screw and stem type ). I believe they are bottom drains. one for spa and one for pool. but nothing to shut off skimmers other than blocking the 1 1/2 hole with a plug. the max pressure I can get with a clean filter is with both valves wide open and it is around 12-15psi. I typically keep hot tub valve mostly closed and open pressure valve selected to spa, this seems to give most speed and suction to cleaner. the water flows over spa dam. My whole reason for changing equip is due to age, and now hard starts with pump motor, and the fact that i want to run both skimmers open with cleaner going. I also will be installing a heater as the old owners removed it due to age. I really appreciate the help.

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So I have tried different things like you asked. pressure with both skimmers open no cleaner 15psi, with one blocked 12psi. With one blocked and discharge full spa 12 psi. with cleaner on 10psi with one skimmer blocked.

I felt around the spa discharges and the outside opening is 1/2" copper, as I feel inside it is most likely 3/8". I have 4 spa discharges and 3 pool dicharges. I cant tell what size the ones in the pool are because the have the eyeball jets, but they do look bigger than the ones in the spa. All the plumbing to and from the pad as it enters the ground is 1/1/2 copper. One concern is if I go too big on a pump can I actually start to shed some copper from the lines and get stains in the pool. I heard that, but it seems so far fetched.


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What is the filter pressure with the spa running the jets?

I think you answered this before but does the pump motor have any sort of markings on it that would indicate it's size?
the pressure is about 12 psi. That is my question I cant find any markings on the pump to indicate its size. I want to order a new pump and heater but I dont want to under or over size. I have read that with 1 1/2 plumbing there is a max gpm that that size can handle. What about a heater I am looking to purchase the pentair 400,000 btu. will it need a big pump?
There is no maximum flow rate for pipes, only recommendations. Also, heaters don't need much in terms of flow rate. Usually 40 GPM is enough.

My main concern is with the spa. 12 PSI seems way too low for 4 spa jets that seem "strong" to you. Can you post a picture of the entire pad, all equipment in a single picture? I feel like I am missing something.

Also, I am getting inconsistencies in your answer. In your first post you had this:

I have a small spa with 3 jets and the pool has 2 jets.

Then later on you had this:

I have 4 spa discharges and 3 pool dicharges

Accuracy is very important when sizing so I just want to make sure I fully understand what you have.
the latter is correct. I was at work and could not quite remember, also I think my gallon estimate is wrong. My pool is rectangular 15x34. and 3 ft in shallow and 8.5 in deep. I also have the attached spa that is 6x7x3.5 (and of course it has a seat all the way around. I was estimating it to be 22,000. Do i include spa in calculation?
Pool volume is not all that important but if I can get the full pad picture when you have a chance, that may help. Also, how high is the pump relative to the pool water level?
So this morning I went out and fiddled with everything again. With both skimmers open, both intakes open and discharge to spa the pressure is about 15-16psi. If I switch discharge to pool the psi drops to 5psi. If you look at the picture of the discharge and the way it is plumbed I cant isolate the pool completely, it still flows to spa ( i dont know why it is like this....maybe old owner error ) the pressures dont change very with one skimmer closed or with spa intake valve closed. the best discharge pressure is with spa selected. Also in the picture is 3/4 line and pump that was my Polaris cleaner, which is no longer inservice. The pressure in the spa seems adequate, I mean I get a decent amount of bubbles. I also have a air-line the is about 10ft from spa that is I think is a venturi vent for bubbles. , The pump only sits about level with pool, maybe 8" higher, but nothing significant. I hope this helps as I appreciate the info. I want to order pump and heater soon and re-plumb the pad.


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Ok, I am still a little confused.

You mentioned two skimmers but I am unsure if both are on the pool or one is in the spa. But then you mentioned a spa intake being closed so this is where I am confused. Please clarify exactly where each suction line is going. Normally a spa line comes from a main drain in the bottom of the spa.

The two return lines, I assume one goes to the spa and one to the pool. Just to make sure I understand, is the one to the pool, the read handled valved line?

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