Replacing Sand Filter

Sand is sure a lot easier maintenance wise. In the end I think it just boils down to personal preference.

I've heard that from a lot of people but it always strikes me as curious and a bit odd...

Is it really easier to deal with backwashing every 2-3 weeks (or however often you need to) than to just hose off the cartridges once or twice a year?

I've also read (here, mostly) that if you have or plan to have a SWG that cartridges keep your water more stable because you're not losing pool water to backwashes, which keeps your salt level, PH, etc., more stable... that translates to cartridges being less maintenance for salt systems (if you have one).

I think it really is just a preference, like you said. It's one of those questions that will never have one right answer.
So some thoughts:

Sand filters are very basic devices that are very flexible. Properly plumbed they allow you to filter, backwash and vacuum to waste. The sand never needs replacing.. They do an excellent job filtering your pool.

Advantages: Cost no filter cartridges to buy. If you have an algae problem this is the filter to have!!!! If you get a lot of gunk in pool this is much easier to use.

Disadvantage: Uses more water because the backwash is gone. Must backwash several times a year.

Cartridge filters use cartridge filters that have to be replaced every five to seven years. They produce slightly clearer water than a sand filter.

Advantages: If you oversize only have to clean twice a year. Slightly clearer water. Extremely simple. Uses less water, sometimes a lot less.

Disadvantage: Not fun with Algae. It can be difficult or more work to get oils off the filter. Generally can't vacuum to waste.
Why are you replacing your filter? What did it do that was good? What did it do that you didn't like? Will a cartridge solve your problems with your filter or make them worse,

Ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish and then see what will come closest to your needs.
Thanks for the the way I am replacing it because I have had to fix the backwash valve 3 times in the last few months (parts wearing out etc.) and the filter itself is starting to show a lot of wear.....thanks again
If you like the day to day operation of a sand filter (when it's working) I would get another sand filter.

If you are dissatisfied in other ways, then a cartridge might be helpful to you.
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