Replacement cell for Jandy Aquapure 1400

I just installed the CompuPool salt cell to replace my Jandy 1400 salt cell that died because of corroded power connections within the cell. Happy to report, the install was extremely easy as other have mentioned!

I did have a question if anyone is using the Jandy iAqualink automation with the CompuPool cell? The iAqualink app does not recognize the CompuPool Cell when I check status of the system or attempt to change AquaPure settings.

At the panel, everything looks good with no error codes. Shows good flow and producing chlorine, so I'm assuming the cell is working fine.

Anyone else having issues seeing the CompuPool cell within iAqualink?


Did you hook up just the new cell to the old Aqualink 3 wire connections and are still using the AquaPure power supply? Can you post a pic?
I assume you followed instructions that came with the cell. The Jandy cell is "dumb", meaning there are no electronics inside of it. That said, you should be able to set the percent as long as you are not getting any errors on your LCD panel. You replaced a 1400 series with the equivalent? Can you post a link of what you used as a replacement?
Yes, replaced with equivalent 1400 cell. Below is the link of the cell I purchased. Same model referenced in the thread earlier. I'll try changing the salt level at the LCD panel as everything seems to be working there. Just so odd that iqualink doesn't recognize the cell if there are no electronic in it. Thanks for the help!

OK, season 3 with the aftermarket cell, and so far all is well. I just acid washed it. Now, because it is tethered to the DC cable I had to do that over by the equipment, but that was fine. So far so good. Let's hope the cell goes the distance!
OK, season 3 with the aftermarket cell, and so far all is well. I just acid washed it. Now, because it is tethered to the DC cable I had to do that over by the equipment, but that was fine. So far so good. Let's hope the cell goes the distance!

Don't acid wash unless there are obvious signs of scaling from incorrect water parameters. Acid washing reduces cell life and is totally unnecessary if you don't have any scale. My plates are totally clean they never get any buildup.
Nope, had to be done. I had some scale. I don't keep pH, total alkalinity, or calcium perfectly, especially during the winter. But all in all over the years I get around 5 years from a cell despite acid washing. Yep, wrecks the cell eventually! My cell was giving a 121 error, on the reverse flow side. So after descaling all is well again.

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OK, sadness…my cheap salt cell failed! It was throwing the 121 code and then stopped making chlorine. It is possible I killed it with over aggressive acid bath, but there you have it. I broke down and bought a Jandy at the higher price. All is well now. Bummer.
Funny you should say that as I am just about to buy one of these as my cell is now throwing 120 and 121 codes. I tried cleaning it and that didn't help. It is still making Cl, but my PPM is not at the level it should be.
Funny you should say that as I am just about to buy one of these as my cell is now throwing 120 and 121 codes. I tried cleaning it and that didn't help. It is still making Cl, but my PPM is not at the level it should be.

The cell has no electronics in it. It is simply 13 plates (for the 1400 series) in a plastic carrier. The 2 ends and the center have an electrode on them. None of the plates are connected to each other they simply float in the plastic carrier. When you get that code it is because one of the plates with the electrode has a break between the electrode and the plate because of corrosion. Cleaning isn't going to help.
Interesting thread. My AquaPure 1400 is probably near the end of life so I was thinking of getting one of these as a low cost backup. Given that you only got 2 years out of it is making me think twice about it, but I’m wondering if your acid wash contributed to the failure. I’ll probably stick with Jandy, as I don’t want to have to worry about a premature failure. Those things always seem to happen when I’m out of town.
This is what is in the cell. This cell has a little over 3 full seasons (5 months) in a correctly balanced pool running at @55% 24/7.

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