Quickest/Easiest way to get A LOT of leaves out?

My answer is it depends on your source water. If you have hard water it is usually better to use Bleach, if you have soft water it is usually best to use Calcium Hypo.

Best way to understand is to do a balanced water test on your fill water, to understand what it will do to your pool chemistry. You would also need to work out the cost of each.

Di-Chlor can be used to raise FC (a lot) and CYA (a little) whilst lowering pH (hardly any)
Calcium Hypochlorite can be used to raise FC (a lot) pH & CH (a little)
Bleach/Sodium Hypochlorite can be used to raise FC (a lot) and pH (a little)
Tri-Chlor pucks can be used to raise FC (slow donor) CYA (a little) and lower pH (a little)

That's the effects of each product, if you have Di-Chlor granules available they'd be handy for getting your CYA level started too, whilst bleach and cal-hypo are both unstabilised so will diminish quickly with low CYA in your pool.

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