Pre pool opening (white water mold)

You earned it with all your effort.

I mean. Clearly being around to have the option really helps, but evenso, you put in a BIG effort.

And you had the upper hand the whole way beacsue of it. :)
I'd say take the slam for one extra day and call it insurance against a borderline slam win. It surely beats the algae fight for a second time. For the cover problem you have I wouldn't worry much as long as the pump runs all night you can grab a sample out of the skimmer or even out of the air release valve at the filter.
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I'd say take the slam for one extra day and call it insurance against a borderline slam win
Oh yes. I was only suggesting that the OCLT could be done at a slightly lowered FC level.

We're not done until we're done.
Up to you. Your loss is so minimal it's likely normal operation.

I'd let it be all day, not even add tonight but simply test FC and then use that # for my AM target.
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Holy Smokes, this was an awesome thread to read all at once. The battle between good (Badpoolmom) and evil (Whitewatermoldville) coursing back and forth!!

I live in the Kansas City area and I had to open early this year as well, the temps got into the 70's WAY too early and I started to see some algae forming on the white plastic of the skimmer boxes. I dropped my auxiliary submersible pump into the pool to get the water moving and added a butt ton of shock powder (painstakingly pre-dissolved in water) to jumpstart the chlorine level. Couple days later all traces of nasty algae were gone and I maintained chlorine level with liquid chlorine until my pool guys could get over and open it up. Crisis averted but I can't help to think what disgusting swamp water might have been under the cover in mid-April had I not just randomly pulled it back and peered under it during one of those unseasonable warm days in late March.


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When I saw we hit page 9 I thought oh my 😳
they are gonna ban me from this site! I better chill with the questions

Good for you! Way to get ahead of it
Now we have our pools nice and clean thanks to the early 70’s and it’s gonna snow Wednesday haha! Gotta love it
7:30 am fc 23 cc 1
1pm fc 22 cc 0.5 cc 1
7:45 pm fc 19 cc 1

It has been windy and rainy here today . Several worms and petals from a tree I’ve been scooping most of day

Assuming if I don’t add Lc my cc will remain same or worse which means I won’t pass . What to do ?
Assuming if I don’t add Lc my cc will remain same or worse which means I won’t pass . What to do ?
19 FC is PLENTY to oclt. It's also plenty just in case the slam wasn't entirely over yet. I'd leave it as is just to need less drops in the morning with a shaky hand. In the AM you've had too much and also not enough coffee.
You can take a reading before you go for the night but make sure the pump was on/running for atleast 30 minutes prior, then in the am early no sun take another reading and see where it lands you. Rain should not alter the numbers but if you lose more then 1ppm you're NOT done. The fact it was raining and no sun today tells me it's not over but let's wait till morning leave the pump on all night so you lose no time in the morning.
As said above, rain shouldn't change much, but if it truly was a 3 to 4 inch storm, both days, that's not normal by any stretch and would change things. Not only would it drop FC by a little over 1 FC, there's no telling how much organic debris blew or washed in the pool.

I'm not making excuses, but yesterday and today's crazy storm may have messed things up. We'll know once we are back to normal type rain, or even better, nice weather.
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First round of rain cover was on , thus the pump was nearly fully submerged on the cover.

Once the pump caught up and cleared cover I opened it and has remained open all day.
Had several heavy storms go through today . I can’t estimate amt of rainfall. But debris pretty heavy . Dirt, worms, tree petals etc. changed skimmer sock a few times today and skimmed often (losing battle) . I think the rain is gone, just high wind til 2 am.
2- 19mph sustained with 37 mph gusts.
I planned to leave cover open tonight (as instructed)
first night ever to leave open
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