Pre pool opening (white water mold)

Good morning .
I left the cover open again last night . We had waaayyy more rain than I thought . Water level is over the skimmer amd almost to the rails of the cover .
I threw the submersible pump in .

Is water level this high hurting anything ?! I’m kinda panicked
Good morning
I left the cover open last night and got waaay more rain than expected. Water level is over the skimmer and right at the top of the pool shell.
I threw in the submersible pump.
Is this hurting anything ?! I’m kinda panicked 😱
Aside from the skimmer not being able to skim when the water is too high, No. Just pump out the excess. Let the water mix for an hour (maybe consider brushing) then retest and add as needed.
Good morning

I passed an oclt last night with 0 fc loss (8:45 pm- 6 am) cc 0.5 wahoo !

Since adding ahhsome I’ve only been raising fc to 10. So, not slam levels. And haven’t had to do that often.

I believe I would have passed oclt night before without 4+ inches of dilution 😬

Should I oclt one more night or should I resume slam?
Of course I’m hoping slam is finito but also have come too far too risk a set back
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Should I oclt one more night or should I resume slam?
Of course I’m hoping slam is finito but also have come too far too risk a set back
Yeah. That's a tough call because we got bit already.

Paying close attention to the daily loss is probably fine if you pass another OCLT. Its still going to be a while until June.
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Full sun today added Lc twice to keep at 10 fc. Will oclt tonight. With all the rain a few nights ago I’m measuring cya 30, probably less. It’s full to the top in the skinny tube and I still see the dot. Used the whole bottle 14 ml (with a few drops that missed the tube)
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I gallon raised 10 ppm in my pool right?
In a perfect world, yes. But your gallons and bleach strength vary.

So you just dumped it without confirming you hit target ?

Also, 11 would have been fine to OCLT. You're plenty over min and no progress would be lost.
12.5% would be 12 so that's a bit short also.

Something was wrong with the 8 FC test. Residual stuffs from the last test in the vial perhaps.
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Does this seem legit ?
Taylor of London is seller on Amazon . Reviews were good
Clicking the link brings you to poolweb which is a known online retailer. They are selling it directly for $17 and change.

Or used Amazon for possible quicker shipping and real easy disputing.
My most important test of the day
I blame too much and also not enough coffee, at the same time.
Good morning
Pass! I think
Fc last night 12
Fc this am 11.5 cc .5
Tested twice this am.
The first test was way lower (again) like 8. Second 11.5
Each time I tested yesterday the same thing happened. Tested twice each time first one much lower.

The only thing I can thing I can think I’ve been doing diff than I have the last 2 months (after reading threads here and watching the Taylor how to test vid)is rinse the tube with water to be tested before testing . I had never done that in the past. Started a few days ago
I think I’ll stop doing that lol
I passed oclt again
5:30 am
Fc was 8, raised to 13 as I
left the pool open and knew it was a full sun /hot kind of day ahead
Test at 3:30 shows fc 4 (still within my range for 30 cya)
Last few days seems the same pattern pretty heavy losses not staying within range as long as I take it about 5ppm over in the morning and again in the evening.
My question is -
am I doing it right? Adding 5 ppm over knowing the loss is coming from sun.
Do you guys normally add Lc twice per day?
Oh btw June 5th sand change
Do you guys normally add Lc twice per day?
Go SWG and add LC twice a *season* 😁

To be fair, I DO have to press a single button sometimes, but YEAH !!!! Really really good times.

Anywho that's stoopid daily loss and having passed several OCLTs, the CYA isn't keeping up. I already got hit with similar loss and a 30 or 40 CYA should have been totally fine, but wasn't. This year is hitting hard already for whatever reason.

Add 10 CYA and road test it. 30 could be playing tricks on you and it's actually lower, or your UV has been particularly harsh like mine was two weeks ago.

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