Pre pool opening (white water mold)

Good morning
Yesterday 2 pm fc 11 cc 0.5
Today 10 am fc 8.5 cc 0.5
TA 250
CH 450-500 (pretty new at testing this)
Ph 8.0 (1 drop r0005 7.8, 2nd drop 7.7)
Cya 60

Further action?
I’m thinking use pm to take me up to 10 ish, so I fall back to 8?
That's how I roll and there is always a well stocked reserve in there.

Slicing it razor thin is OK too, but you need to pay close attention.
I couldn’t find % on my MA label. Bought at lowes
Website says this
It's probably half strength (14%). Do the first dose using 31% in poolmath and when you need a 2nd dose of it 15 mins later because it didnt hit target, you'll know for sure.

The PH will rise pretty quick with a high TA, but over time the TA will come down on its own.
So is my order of concern
(But I have to lower ph before lowering ta )
I’m just gonna return this and buy it somewhere else so I know for sure
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A scan of supplies …I have
3 five lb bags of ph up
1 five lb bag ph down
3 partial bottles polyquat 60 (I’ve never used this, but pool company used to upon open/close)
3 bottles metal magic (same as above they used)

Is any of this stuff useful to me anymore or just trash?
Is any of this stuff useful to me anymore or just trash
Sell it all on FB marketplace. It'll go because people love all that stuff. They're gonna buy it anyway, might as well be from you.

So is my order of concern
(But I have to lower ph before lowering ta )
Order of concern is:


The TA will come down on its own.
A scan of supplies …I have
3 five lb bags of ph up
You can keep this but will probably never need it with your high ta & no longer using acidic forms of chlorine/
likely just overpriced soda ash (super washing soda) which you can easily buy at the grocery store if you do happen to need some.
1 five lb bag ph down
Sell it- it adds sufates, you’re on the MA train now
3 partial bottles polyquat 60 (I’ve never used this, but pool company used to upon open/close)
Polyquat 60 is fine to use at closing if you wish- it also has a place when doing AA treatment for stains. If stored properly it will last a very long time. It is the only algaecide we recommend.
The choice is yours.
3 bottles metal magic (same as above they used)
Do you have a metals problem?
Stains in the past? Stains in your tub/toilet inside your house? If so keep it. It costs about $30 a bottle. It is one of the recommended sequestrants if you happen to need one.
Thanks all

I do have a few stains in the bottom of the pool in a few areas. The are black or dark brown. Very small like a writing (bic) pen point . I tried the vit c tabs on them last year with no luck . That was a pool store “tip”. They really aren’t noticeable to anyone but me because I’m the one cleaning it lol.
I just don’t want them to multiply
Thanks all

I do have a few stains in the bottom of the pool in a few areas. The are black or dark brown. Very small like a writing (bic) pen point . I tried the vit c tabs on them last year with no luck . That was a pool store “tip”. They really aren’t noticeable to anyone but me because I’m the one cleaning it lol.
I just don’t want them to multiply
That just means they aren’t iron.
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Anything that goes in fresh is fine, except for the untimely demise.

Heck. Even if a seagull dropped a decaying nasty small carcass while flying over, 10k gallons of properly sanitized water wouldn't even blink.
Good. Fc was 6.5 today , as I said I missed a day. She back to 10 now, tested after 15 min to make sure. I think I’m losing a lil more fc on the daily because water temp is rising ?
Water temp doesn't matter, but it does correlate to longer, warmer days. Some light makes it through the cover, it doesn't stop UV loss altogether. Regular operation consumes some FC too because organics will find a way in thete also.

What has the new loss been daily?
Ok. 2 ppm a day isn't far off as it warms up.

Did you confirm the adds or just assume it hit target?
Also this is my first try on adjusting to my ph. The test says 8 . 2 drops r0005 takes it to 7.8, three drops like 7.7 I’d say. When using pool math do I just use “8” as my current (like could it actually be more than that but 8 is max on test)
If doing the acid demand test you can use the 8.2 (or whatevs). Or just dose with PM from 8 to 7.6/7.8 and confirm/redose after if need be.

You should confirm either way so I personally wouldn't bother with the acid demand test. The TF kits don't have that component so many of us get by 100% fine without it.

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