Pool sat for two years... help. **Update - we went swimming!

Apr 23, 2012
Southaven, MS
Well, I have poked around a little bit this morning, and believe I am in the right spot. My ex-father-in-law's house sat empty for about two years. I moved in this winter and have been trying to get the pool up to speed. I know very little... but he sunk a grip into it, and it should be pretty cool when fixed. My main problem right now is how to get all of the fine dirt out. I have raked and scooped and removed about six wheel barrow loads of the leaves, and now trying to get anything else out is just stirring up the sediment.

I have shocked it, and it cleared up a bit, and I bought a rinky-dink test kit, which I now know I need to order a better one, but I got the PH in some kind of range with the PH up and down stuff and some baking soda from Wal Mart, and the chlorine has been up and down like crazy..

Also, the fileters appear to be pretty old, and I didn't have much luck trying to vacuum the dirt, and I am not sure where to put the valve. It doesn't appear to have a back flush feature, so when it slows down, I have been rinsing out the cartridges with a filter squirter nozzle I bought... but I don't think the cartridges will handle getting the load of dirt and silt that is in there out. I am not stoked about buying a new set of cartridges, nor do I know exactly which ones I need.

So in reading some of the other threads, I went ahead and took a bunch of pictures...

Here's the pool:




The filter setup:





Also, I am not sure what this is for, or if it is supposed to slowly leak, but it does:



And lastly, here is a most recent reading, I did add a little chlorine after testing it:


But I am not sure how much I should be adding to maintain... also I used the calculator for the water volume, but it's an odd size, I hope I got that right....

It's 17x34-ish total, and it goes from 4 to 9 feet deep.

Thoughts on how to straighten it up without draining it?

Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

Gotta say...no idea the real reason for the water spigot but I like the idea.

Order a good kit, read pool school, ask questions while waiting for kit, post test results, add tons of bleach. :)

Typing on my phone, but that's the process in a nutshell. :)
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

:wave: Welcome :wave:

You have found the right place if you goal is to have a crystal clear pool while keeping as much $ in your pocket as possible. That said, there are a couple things you will have to do, the most important being a willingness to put the time in to learn about your pool and how to care for it.

You really need to get a good test kit (see my signature ... TF100 is the best value and the XL options might be a good idea) ... it is the only way to KNOW the levels in your pool and not just a random pool store's opinion ... plus if you don't go there, then they can not try to sell you stuff you do not need.

While you are waiting for your test kit, Start by reading ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry and continue to explore Pool School.

Also you should read Turning Your Green Swamp Back into a Sparkling Oasis to understand the process the is shocking. You said you shocked ... you did not ... as you will learn by reading about the process.

You pool equipment does not look too bad ... although very simple and strange setup. You have a cartridge filter so when the pressure goes up by 20-25% of the clean pressure, you have to clean the filter ... this may happen a LOT at the start.

The leaking hose is just a way to drain water. The brass valve should be replaced so it does not leak.

The black 3-way valve decides where your return water goes. You should see on it the word CLOSED that is the part that is off. In the picture you have half the water going into the filter and half the water going the other way (not sure what the canister is ... can you take a better picture) and then the water must go back to the pool. Usually ALL the water should be going through the filter, so this setup is a little odd. I would try shutting off the canister side and putting all the water through the filter.

You need to get a FULL set of test done and the best is to just order your own kit. For now maybe add 1 gallon of bleach everyday until you can do a full set of tests. Continue to clean the filter out when the pressure goes up

Does the pressure gauge go to zero when turned off?

We can help you gain control of your pool if you are willing to learn :)
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

Leebo said:
Gotta say...no idea the real reason for the water spigot but I like the idea.

I actually asked about this years ago when I started here and am going to add one to my setup when I replumb ... can be used for water samples, to help drain, or to run a hose back to the pool as a spray gun :wink:
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

The pool was much, much worse... I couldn't see the top step.

I have been poking around the pool school, and will read the swamp article next... as I am curious as to what the bleach does..


I have no idea what this is, or what it does, but when it gets gunked up, I rinse it out.

The ball-valve... I don't talk to the guy much, but he said that's where he kept it, and once he had it turned a wrong way and blew the manifold (?) so that's where I've left it. I am guessing the two lines are inlets, one for the single side skimmer, and one for the bottom drain, maybe? I don't know where the lines go, and I don't want to mess anything up.

The big filter does drop to zero when the pump is off. Also I have a timer box with high and low settings... if that helps you any.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

car guy said:
I have been poking around the pool school, and will read the swamp article next... as I am curious as to what the bleach does..

If you are still wondering what the bleach does ... reread ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry. The bleach is the chlorine needed to sanitize your pool. How have you been adding chlorine previously?

car guy said:
I have no idea what this is, or what it does, but when it gets gunked up, I rinse it out.

I am not sure what that is either.

car guy said:
The ball-valve... I don't talk to the guy much, but he said that's where he kept it, and once he had it turned a wrong way and blew the manifold (?) so that's where I've left it. I am guessing the two lines are inlets, one for the single side skimmer, and one for the bottom drain, maybe? I don't know where the lines go, and I don't want to mess anything up.

The black valve is a 3-way diverter valve (not a ball valve). Let me explain your water flow, so you know the path.

The suction line enters the pump from the side. You have 1 pipe. This is the ONLY path of water FROM your pool. So, likely you have a float diverter valve under your skimmer basket which determines how much water is pulled from the floor and how much is pulled from the skimmer (or maybe you should add one of these if you only see 2 holes under the basket).

The water exits the top of the pump (the return side) into the 3-way valve where you either send the water into the filter or to the left into the weird canister thing. Both of these paths seem to go into the ground and back to the pool. There is a chance that these 2 paths are connected underground before going to the pool, or there may be 2 different return paths to the pool.

car guy said:
The big filter does drop to zero when the pump is off. Also I have a timer box with high and low settings... if that helps you any.

That means the gauge should be working. Take note of the pressure the next time right after you clean it (although I have concerns about the 3-way and why all the water is not sent through the filter).
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

Yup, purchase a good test kit, then head over to pool school, print things off and sit down and study it a bit, and get lots of bleach.

The process of BBB isn't all that hard but it does require some reading so you gain the knowledge behind the actions. The first couple of tests may take a bit but after a couple of weeks you'll easily be on solid ground, by the end of summer you'll be a pro. Post test results here and someone will respond.

Oh, and use the pool calculator.

Nice pool, it will look great when your done!
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

Alright, I just re-read the Chemistry section... I did not know you could use bleach to raise the chlorine level until this morning.... I have been using chlorine granules and have dropped some pucks in the skimmer basket... Like I said, I know very little other than the pool we had as a kid had a floaty chlorine thing.. LOL.

So when he says he "blew the manifold," did he probably divert the pump water back around through that small filtered line and cause some sort of back pressure incident? Is the manifold in question part of the pump?

I do not have spa jets or anything, just some at the corners, and two located in the very sides that shoot straight out... I wonder if those are on the second line? I haven't really been able to guinea pig it because I don't want to damage any thing....
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

car guy said:
Alright, I just re-read the Chemistry section... I did not know you could use bleach to raise the chlorine level until this morning.... I have been using chlorine granules and have dropped some pucks in the skimmer basket... Like I said, I know very little other than the pool we had as a kid had a floaty chlorine thing.. LOL.

A couple of concerns:
What were the granules you used? As you should have read by now, Di-chlor and Tri-chlor (puck) add CYA (stabilizer) to the pool. Cal-hypo adds CH (calcium harness) to the pool. If either the CYA or CH get oo high, the only way to remove them is through replacing water in your pool or expensive Reverse Osmosis treatment.

Leaving pucks in the skimmer is a BAD idea unless you leave the pump on 24/7 ... it can damage things.

Bottom line. You really need to get a some good test results and probably need to stop using and granules or pucks ... they cause more problems than solutions. Liquid chlorine (or bleach) ONLY adds FC you need to sanitize the pool ... and a little salt which is fine.

car guy said:
So when he says he "blew the manifold," did he probably divert the pump water back around through that small filtered line and cause some sort of back pressure incident? Is the manifold in question part of the pump?

I initially though he meant a manifold in the filter, but that should not be possible. Is there a recommended flow rate on the filter?

{EDIT: I see in the picture a 150 GPM max rate and 50 psi max pressure ... your pump should not be able to do either of those. So, I would say turn the valve to close the canister and read what pressure you get and where the water returns to the pool}

car guy said:
I do not have spa jets or anything, just some at the corners, and two located in the very sides that shoot straight out... I wonder if those are on the second line? I haven't really been able to guinea pig it because I don't want to damage any thing....

The only thing that you should not do with the diverter valve is close off the line from the pump. You should be able to turn off either the filter or the canister with no problems. If you are concerned, mostly close one or the other and see if your can tell if the flow back to the pool changes. This could help determine if the pipes are ultimately connected underground.

What does the canister get "gunked" up with? Can you take a picture of it opened up?
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.


Welcome to the forum. :lol: Your getting great advice, you have posted great pictures, and I think that's a great looking pool!!! You will have that pool sparkling soon I am sure.

I have no idea what this is, or what it does, but when it gets gunked up, I rinse it out.
Well, I don't know. either. It surely is some kind of filter but it is filtering already filtered water. Someone will know and post the answer soon. I can't wait to find out.

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Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

duraleigh said:
I have no idea what this is, or what it does, but when it gets gunked up, I rinse it out.
Well, I don't know. either. It surely is some kind of filter but it is filtering already filtered water. Someone will know and post the answer soon. I can't wait to find out.

Actually it is not "filtering already filtered water" as the 3-way diverter splits the water between the canister and the cartridge filter ... strange huh.

I would like to see the insides of that thing when you get a chance.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

Alright... Let's see if I am in over my head... LOL...

I have been using this stuff, but not very regularly... just adding some when it drops. I have also had to add several inches to the pool over the last two weeks, so some of the water is getting replaced:


After cleaning the filter yesterday, this is where my pressure is:


This is what's inside my skimmer with the basket removed:


This is what happened after I sprinkled some chlorine in it this morning after doing my test:


and the little filter:

It says Jandy High Energy Filter:




Gets gunked up:


I clean it and reinstall:


Where would I get liquid chlorine?

This is a lot of stuff to process in one morning, LOL...
and I called the guy, and he said he didn't know what the filter was for or where the line went...
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

OK. So many more thing to add. I will try to go down your pictures.

1. That looks like tri-chlor so will be adding CYA to your pool and potentially making it very difficult to keep a clean pool if the CYA gets too high.

2. What is the pressure is you only put the water through the big filter and not the little one?

3. Your water looks a little low in the skimmer and clearly you are missing skimmer float diverter. Adding it will allow you to pull a little more water from the main drain.

4. Kind of a guess. Have you had your water tested for metals (iron)? Sometimes high FC levels (like around the granules) can react with the metal and make the water green/brown. Not sure if that is what we are seeing

5. That Jandy filter seems totally worthless to me. You have a GIANT filter that is basically the same thing. Why deal with trying to keep both of them clean? I will see if I can figure out what its purpose may be based on all the pictures.

6. You can either get liquid chlorine (10% or 12.5%) at pool stores or hardware stores. Often times it is cheaper to just buy 6% bleach which is the same thing ... Walmart sells 182oz bottles that many people use. Just have to shop for the best prices.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

I really appreciate the help... I have kids and it is going to be torture this summer if they have to look at a green swamp. LOL.

So I will go buy some bleach, and I have ordered the TF100 kit... I think I have a float diverter somewhere, does it go in the basket or under it? With all of the leaves that were in it, I am hoping that the lower line is working, I can't see down there yet, but I have raked most of the stuff away from it.

and I am adding water as we speak... I think the dead algae is floating to the surface this afternoon, and that may be some of my color problem?
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

OK. That Jandy filter looks like it is used as part of a pressure side cleaner.

So that line on the left probably goes to 1 return port in the pool (around the middle) where you would hook up a pressure side cleaner/robot-type thing that would move around and "vacuum" your floor.

The line coming out of the filter and going into the ground would go to your other pool returns (2-4) around the pool.

In normal operation, you should close the little Jandy filter and use your main filter to clean your water.

If you have a pressure-side cleaner, then you would hook it up in the pool and turn the valve to run the cleaner.

I am not sure this is the normal setup, I would think the pressure side cleaner would be plumbed AFTER the main filter, but maybe that reduces the flow too much to be effective. In any case, stop using that little filter as it is just going to clog too quickly to be of much use.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

car guy said:
I think I have a float diverter somewhere, does it go in the basket or under it?

Under the basket on the black o ring.. There should be a little slide on the bottom, the more you close that hole, the more it will pull from the bottom. Likely you can just leave the hole mostly open and that will still pull a little from the bottom which is all your really need (some pools do not even have a floor drain).

The diverter also has a "safety" feature in that is the water gets below the skimmer, the float will drop and your pump will still pull water from the floor and not starve the pump of water.
Re: Pool sat for two years... help.

car guy said:
Alright, I'm going multi-media... hehehe


So is that showing a lot more churning in the pump with the valve in the middle and a full pump basket when only on the large filter?

What happens if you turn off the large filter completely and make all the flow go through the little Jandy filter?

EDIT: Also note, the Jandy pressure gauge should have gone to zero when you closed the valve. So, if you are going to use a pressure side cleaner, you will need to replace that gauge. Then the way it works is you would move the black valve until the pressure was in the green area which is the pressure require to run the cleaner. If you are not going to use a pressure side cleaner, then there is no reason to ever open that side of the plumbing and just leave the valve closed.

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