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    • C
      Crudy replied to the thread First time pool owner.
      Ok gotcha. I am waiting on my reagent replacment kit to come in the mail. Should I wait to SLAM until that comes in, and just pour a...
    • C
      Crudy replied to the thread First time pool owner.
      Ok so i should SLAM? Why exactly do you recommend I do that now? Im just trying to understand the process of whats incorrect in order...
    • C
      Crudy replied to the thread First time pool owner.
      Just got home and tested the pool, heres what i got. FC: .5 TC: 1 CC:.5 PH: 7.7 TA: 120 CYA: between 20-30 i believe. Filled up small...
    • C
      Crudy replied to the thread First time pool owner.
      Ok just ordered the replacement kit, thanks!
    • C
      Hey everyone, just moved into a house with an unground pool (20k gallons) and fortunately stumbled across this website trying to learn...
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