Pentair Whisperflo Pump (WTEF-4) Stopped Working


May 17, 2021
Oxnard, CA
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Liquid Chlorine
I have a Pentair Whisperflo (single speed) for my slide that suddenly stopped working. It is controlled via iAqualink. When I turn on via the app of control panel I can hear the relay but the pump remains off. I verified that I have power at the breaker. I reset breaker but no luck.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Most likely either the relay in your automation is bad, or the pump is bad..

That said... how did you "verify" you had power??? I assume the pump uses 240 Volts AC.. the only way to test the AC voltage is by using a voltmeter and testing between the two hot leads (L1 and L2).. You can't test to ground, and you can't use one of those 'light' testers.


Jim R.
I was using AC voltage detector. No reading when Rockslide relay off in iAqualink. When I enabled Rockslide in iAqualink I could detect AC voltage. I could actually hear the relay click when enabled.

The problem is that if the pump uses 240 volts, you could be missing a phase (either L1 or L2) and those voltage detectors would still show a voltage.

You actually need something that measures the actual AC voltage.. You'd want to test directly at the relay, and if good there, directly at the pump where the AC power connects to the pump.


Jim R.

Make sure you measure between the two hot leads (L1 and L2).. This is important because if you measure between L1 and ground and then L2 and ground, you can get a false reading..


Jim R.
Can you show pictures of everything?

Is there any noise at all?

Check the capacitor.

Check to see if the shaft turns.

Remove the capacitor and disconnect power and then check from L1 to L2 for resistance.
Can you show pictures of everything?

Is there any noise at all?

Check the capacitor.

Check to see if the shaft turns.

Remove the capacitor and disconnect power and then check from L1 to L2 for resistance.
Top and inside of pump. No noise, only relay click when I use iaqualink panel or app. Last week I noticed I had to click on Rockfall button in app multiple times before it actually came on but I didn't think anything of it until now


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Are you getting 240 volts line to line?

Is the pump under warranty?

Remove the capacitor and the power wires and check the resistance from L1 to L2.

Maybe a bad thermal cutout switch?

Be careful with the capacitor because it might be charged.

If the windings are good, the capacitor should discharge through the windings.

If the capacitor is charged, then the windings are probably open.

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