Pentair Racer

Re: pool cleaner stuck running backwards

I had this problem too after a year of use, I replaced the "Water Mangement Kit" myself and it fixed it. Not sure if that was the real cause but it's been working great for the past few months...
I am on my third Racer also. Have had the tech come out on warranty calls in between also. I have called Pentair direct and they have sent me parts that I installed also. I think every part has broken on the various Racer's I have had. I keep trying to get them to get the new Racer LS for me the next time it needs replacing but tech said Pentair is not shipping yet to the warehouse he gets parts from. I just wonder what they will do once my original 3 year warranty runs out. The good part is when it is fixed and running correct it does a good job. I live on a golf course so I get golf balls in pool. Racer picks those up with no problem.
I am on my third Racer also. Have had the tech come out on warranty calls in between also. I have called Pentair direct and they have sent me parts that I installed also. I think every part has broken on the various Racer's I have had. I keep trying to get them to get the new Racer LS for me the next time it needs replacing but tech said Pentair is not shipping yet to the warehouse he gets parts from. I just wonder what they will do once my original 3 year warranty runs out. The good part is when it is fixed and running correct it does a good job. I live on a golf course so I get golf balls in pool. Racer picks those up with no problem.
They are going to tell that they have replaced your parts or racer and that they can't continue to replace it forever. They read me my install and repair record citing the days that they replaced parts or the entire racer. It was once a year. When I said well doesn't that tell you that something is wrong with the product, they said," what do you want us to do keep replacing it for life." I told them that if you know that you're putting out a ******** product you should replace it. I can't wait to get another brand!
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