Opening my pool and want to do it real nice this time

Sure. Over shoot 2 ppm to account for the daily loss before he comes. Or dose before he comes if you're off too.
so I can dose the morning of? And from the chart, my slam level is now about 16. So you are recommending I aim for at least 18 as my slam level if done the NIGHT before- BUT if I do it that morning then just aim for the recommended 16 slam level?
The only thing is- if he does come at or around 1 PM on Thursday- I can get up around 8 AM as usual and do all the cleaning right then to prepare. so if I brush and vacuum and backwash early that morning I will ONLY go to 16 (slam level)- but if I do all those things the NIGHT before then I will go to 18 slam level and that will be that until he closes. (correct?)
Hey people. I just backwashed and tested. My fc is 8. Good for today. But my TA is still 110 but my ph seems to have gone back to about 8. Surprising since i added 21 ounces of acid magic on sunday and the back came down as i mentioned to u earlier. I did the pool math and it says I should add 16 ounces of 31.45 MA( the acid magic). To bring it down to 7.6. Should I??? I dont want to keep doing this since everything else is good? But it says by adding the MA my TA should go down to??? What should i do today. Remember closing is Thursday afternoon. Thank u
Both the 8 Ph and 110 TA are fine if that's where they end up on Thursday. What you don't want is low PH (like 5). That's what wrecks liners (wrinkles) so if you had to chose, a tad high to start is preferred.
Tonights the night. My ph went down just tested. It is 7.8. My fc is 5 and my Slam with my approximate CYA is 18. So i will bring to 20 as u suggested due to mr closing tomorrow. But let me ask u a calculation. It says to add 1 gallon,2 quarts,2 cups. That means in english ….1 and 1/2 gallons plus 2 more full cups(which is another 32 ounces) since my cup is 16 ounces to the top measurement? If this is true why not just say 1 gallon and “3” quarts??? Please verify what i am going to add so that i dont do it wrong. Thank u

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But let me ask u a calculation. It says to add 1 gallon,2 quarts,2 cups. That means in english ….1 and 1/2 gallons plus 2 more full cups(which is another 32 ounces)
Cups are 8 oz, so it's +16 oz, not 32. It's not quite 1 gal 3 quarts :)

add 1 gallon,2 quarts,2 cups
Look at the 1.6 gallons part. Pour your full one. (Easy peasy), then pour the half, then a bit more. It's being diluted 11000 to 1.6. Say you miss by a whole 1/4 gallon, it's 2.3 FC and I assure you, the price of beer will remain unchanged.

Always goof the + 1/4 gallon, never the - 1/4 gallon and all will be well.
Little nervous. Woke up in a sweat. Lol. I just had a dream or memory. I think my pool guy does put something in the pool. Maybe a gallon bottle ior so if something. Not sure just realized this i could b wrong. But what might it be? Should i ask? Should i worry? Should i stop him from adding whatever it is?? I guess what i am asking is what would be the problem if it is either 1) more chlorine. Or 2) some sort of winterizer?
I really forgot but i just remembered throwing out a large plastic bottle?? Please advise of all possible scenarios. Thanks
Algecide is a little bottle, so it's likely not that. MA is a big bottle so that's not likely either as it would be way too much acid for anyone to add to 11k gallons. So I'd guess chlorine. But tell him to skip it because you handled everything yourself.
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Could it be this bottle of winterizer which i always see advertised to me in emails? What is in that and would that be ok to add??
If it is, it's the mystery potion you specifically avoided all season. No reason to ruin the perfect streak now. It was likely pool shock / chlorine, or possibly an antifreeze bottle if he added any to the pipes at the pad, but call him and ensure he's not adding anything to the pool water. Or leave a note on the equipment.

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