New pool, Manor, Texas

Enjoying our pool this evening. I really love it. Hate my Mosquitos. I need to check out all the ways to get rid of them. Look at my ankles!

Maybe I shouldn't show such pretty feet! But honestly, that's how awful my mosquito bites are!

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Thanks, Kim, I'm going to order those ASAP.
Here's a picture of my new lights behind the pool.

They are solar and flicker like little torches. We just felt we needed a little light behind the pool. Slowly getting it together.

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I think we need a few large trees too!
I think you have already said you won't go with crepe myrtles, but just in case.... don't. I have one huge one behind my pool. We all love it since it's been there 26 years. But daily I'm getting the flower petals and bean pods and something else in my skimmers. Now that I'm using skimmer socks, those catch more than before. But still, some crepe myrtle stuff gets past through to the pump baskets. And we haven't even begun leaf drop time.

Choose some large pretty bushes that are evergreen and don't drop much (like pine needles - you don't want those either). There are soooo many possibilities. Check on how lemon trees do in your area. Mine is huge and drops very little. The fragrance is heavenly and the drop of blossoms is short-lived.

So sorry about your mosquito bites. They look painful. We're really fighting them here, too.

Take care,

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Janny there was a thread that talked about using bamboo for privacy and how fast it grew as well how easy it was to work with.

Of course there are others out there. BUT I really like the look of bamboo.


Kim, you reminded me of that thread about the best type of bamboo to use. I think I found it. There are also some other beautiful photos on this thread of some of Martin Kennedy's plants - the orange grouping is to die for. But back to bamboo, you do NOT want an invasive type. So that's why the one mentioned in Post #12 is the way to go. Otherwise, bamboo is a pain in the neck (and yard).

Seeking Pool Landscaping ideas -- hot in Texas, pool has direct sun

I don't know if I would like bamboo or not. But I'm going more for the cottage type landscape, so maybe that's why I'm on the fence about bamboo. But this type mentioned sounds great for privacy and growth rate - love that it's clumping rather than shooting runners. You don't want runners!!!

Janny, this link shows a really nice picture of the this type of bamboo and gives a better description of characteristics than other sites I saw. This looks really pretty. You might have some years when you lose it, but it's apparently inexpensive to replace and grows quickly. And being on your west side, it may not be as bothered by freezes.

Bamboo Hedge Multiplex for Sale - Brighter Blooms Nursery

Your water is amazing! I think it's the clearest and sparkle-ie-est water I've seen! Lol! I love the color - reminds me of Cancun.

That's a great close-up shot of the coping and deck together - beautiful!

The plants are looking good. I bet they look nice with the path lights highlighting them at night!

Have you guys decided on a plant for privacy and to break some of the sun?

Suz, we plan to do a couple of things. One is to raise the area around the back fence and plant taller bushes/plants.
Then we also want a trellis on each end of the deck with greenery. I also would love a covered area in the left back corner. Our lot is deeper on that side. And I keep wanting more outdoor space. [emoji3][emoji3]

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That's terrific! I really like your plans. I gotcha..... the more time you spend outdoors, the more you want to be there! We're using our backyard sooooooo much more and loving it. I hadn't realized how much I missed it.

It's so great to hear all the fun you're having and the plans!


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