New IG Pool Build - Buckeye (Phoenix) AZ - Excited and Impatient!

Diva!! that fence cover looks awesome! NO peeping at all! WOW!

Diva make sure to check that they have the correct color of plaster before they do any work tomorrow please. We have had a couple where they got the colors mixed up and it was not a happy time for them :(

Kim :cat:
Diva!! that fence cover looks awesome! NO peeping at all! WOW!

Diva make sure to check that they have the correct color of plaster before they do any work tomorrow please. We have had a couple where they got the colors mixed up and it was not a happy time for them :(

Kim :cat:

Trust me, I have to make sure there is no peeping at all, I wouldn't want to mentally damage any of the neighbor kids if one of them were to see me outside in a bathing suit! LOL. They would never be the same is hard to explain all the jiggle and cellulite, so I just figure if I keep it under wraps, I don't have to worry about scaring anyone, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Yes, I will make sure. The product is called Ultra Poz, it is similar to the 3M Quartz but it is white with blue speckles. I think it will look good, it has too because we can't afford pebble tec or anything even remotely like it. LOL.
I am having another the ivy along the back fence is artificial, I figured why not make it even more gaudy and add some artificial rose vines along the top and down the you think that will look pretty? Here is a link to what I am going to buy. I am going to put it all along the top of the fence and then have it hanging down the sides and probably a couple areas in the middle, of course spaced out nicely, so it looks like clusters of roses hanging down and growing in the ivy. I just want some color back there, so I am getting pink and beige and will be intertwining them with the ivy.

Do any of you think this might look nice?
It might until it rains. I wonder if it's really made to stay outside. Why don't you use real climbing roses?

Mainly because I am in a wheelchair and cannot get out to the fence to care for them. That is why I bought the faux ivy for the fence, once I have it installed, it is maintenance free and comes with a 10-year warranty, so I have 10 years without worrying too much about it. I wouldn't think I should put real climbing roses with faux ivy, but I am probably wrong, hence the other reason why I can't have real plants, lol, I am horrible at taking care of them. I just want to add some color and brighten it up. If they don't last, then it is only $20 lost and no big deal. I wish I could use real roses, and hedges for that matter.

Also, I live in Phoenix, AZ, so we get rain only a few days a year. Hopefully that will be a saving point for my fake hedges and flowers.
I have a question and I am hoping someone in here can help me with it, otherwise I will post in the main forum. I have a Hayward Tristar VS pump for my pool but nothing is automate and I want to add the Hayward automation system so that I can control the water feature, lights, pump, etc. from a remote control or my smart phone. I am researching and found a bunch of various products related to it but cannot figure out what I need to order to make it all work. I am going to get the products and then have someone come out and install it for me. Can anyone provide some insight as to what I need to order?
I really need some advice. After reading all the reviews and speaking with a few neighbors about Hayward pumps, we have decided we really want a Pentair pump instead but our pb has a Hayward VS pump in the contract. They have not installed it yet.....would it be ask the pb to change us to a Pentair pump this late in the game? I believe they only sell Hayward pumps so we would be more than happy to purchase a Pentair and have it installed but we absolutely do NOT want a Hayward pump now. I don't want a pump that has to be replaced constantly. This pb is great, their Hayward choice has been our only negative about them so far. I am hoping they will be willing to allow us to make that choice, since it is OUR money that we are spending to buy it. They are building the pool, we should be able to choose the pump brand. Am I right?

By the way, the interior is scheduled for Wed. and will be when they fill the pool, requiring the pump to be in place so I know it would slow things up a bit, but we would rather wait than be stuck with Hayward.

Any ideas or suggestions?

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Update: We were able to upgrade our pump to the Ecostar by Hayward and it will accept automation, which was our main concern because the version of the Tristar they put in would not allow for automation. In addition, we found a fantastic deal on the Hayward automation system with Aqua Connect so we can control all the features of our pool, including the solar heater with a Smartphone.

We also switched to a salt water generator as well, that was included in the automation system we bought, so I think we will like the salt water better, especially with my skin sensitivity from the MS.

The whole automation system with Aqua Connect and the salt water conversion costs us $1500.....installed! Just a salt water system alone was close to $1000, so we got a smoking deal and I could not be happier.

The system will be installed on Monday and Tuesday but we are scheduled for interior finish and filling the pool either today or will this affect the starting chemicals? We will be starting out with traditional chlorine and then on Mon/Tues. when the new system is installed, we will be using the salt water system.

Since it will only he 5 or 6 days, should we just wait to add any chemicals until Monday or is it important to immediately add chemicals to the water when it does in today or tomorrow?

The pool company is going to do the initial chemical start up for us.

P.S. YippeeSkippy: The complaint was on the Tristar pump by Hayward, several neighbors and some others I spoke with said that particular pump had lots of issues, so I wanted to either switch to a Pentair or to a different model of Hayward pump. Also, the pump they installed did not have the capability of automation because it was model 3200 and we needed 3202. Besides that, the Tristar model worked so that if you have model 3200, you cannot use automation, but if you have model 3202, you MUST use automation. The Ecostar solved all these issues because it accepts automation but does not require it and is also energy efficient VS.
I just became a TFP supporter! :) I have received so much valuable information from this site, I am just so thankful that you all are here and I appreciate everyone's input. Hopefully I will learn as I go and be able to contribute my own info to help others, but for now, all I can offer is help finding great deals and discounts on items needed for and around the pool. That is one thing I am good at is finding great deals.

Still waiting for the interior finish to be completed..............ARGH! The wait is agonizing and I am getting more and more impatient! LOL. Everything else is on hold until then...the additional concrete and the acrylic coating....patience is a virtue though, right?
P.S. YippeeSkippy: The complaint was on the Tristar pump by Hayward, several neighbors and some others I spoke with said that particular pump had lots of issues, so I wanted to either switch to a Pentair or to a different model of Hayward pump. Also, the pump they installed did not have the capability of automation because it was model 3200 and we needed 3202. Besides that, the Tristar model worked so that if you have model 3200, you cannot use automation, but if you have model 3202, you MUST use automation. The Ecostar solved all these issues because it accepts automation but does not require it and is also energy efficient VS.

Ok then! That does sound like a great improvement! Good job :party:
I just became a TFP supporter! :) I have received so much valuable information from this site, I am just so thankful that you all are here and I appreciate everyone's input. Hopefully I will learn as I go and be able to contribute my own info to help others, but for now, all I can offer is help finding great deals and discounts on items needed for and around the pool. That is one thing I am good at is finding great deals.

Still waiting for the interior finish to be completed..............ARGH! The wait is agonizing and I am getting more and more impatient! LOL. Everything else is on hold until then...the additional concrete and the acrylic coating....patience is a virtue though, right?

THANKS! Your pretty badge will be added soon. Please be *patient* LOL This is a virtue I do NOT have!! I want it and I want it NOW! LOL

I DO hope you stay around and chime in when you can! It is fun and you will learn so much about caring for pools you will never have to depend on the pool stores!

Diva your pool and yard are awesome! My dad also has MS and they say a pool would help him so much to get stronger, but they are sooo expensive in florida, and hes on disability. I have an above ground for now but it is hard for him to go up and down that ladder. Happy for you that you get your pool and at a GREAT deal!
I have a question.......the concrete landings that are elevated on the sides of my sheer decent waterfall are uneven and I am wondering if this is something that I would be out of line to complain about. The left side is 25 inches wide and the right side is only 19 inches wide. We found this out over the weekend when we had to measure for concrete fire bowls we are going to put out there. Am I being too picky or asking too much that the sides are equal, or at least close to equal? I can see an inch off, but 6 inches? I think that is lack of attention to detail and when I place equally sized bowls on those landings, they are going to look off because of the difference in sizes.

What would you all do in this situation?

By the way, they STILL have not come out to do the interior Ultra Poz finish! It was scheduled for last Wed. and has been pushed forward every day since then. I thought for sure they would be here today but once again, we were not on the schedule. I am getting aggravated and upset about this because it is holding me up with having the concrete people come out to do the additional concrete.

I am also upset that the pool designer did not make the area wide enough where I have to turn my wheel chair around to leave the pool and now I have to pay a concrete company to come out here to widen the area before I can even use my brand new pool. It is nice that they did everything fast in the beginning, but if I cannot even use the pool, it is worthless to me. I was adamant with the designer during his design and afterwards on several occasions, about making sure there is enough room and he assured me it would be adequate! He couldn't have cared less about me being handicap and in a wheelchair, he designed my pool almost exactly like he designed all the other free-form pools and did not keep in mind that I have very limited use of my legs. I sincerely doubt I will be able to even get in and out of the pool because the steps are so steep. I was very specific when he came to design the pool and told him I needed to make sure there was enough room for me to maneuver my wheelchair and the steps could not be steep or I would have difficulty getting in and out. He did what he wanted and did not care about my mobility issues. I am just mad because I will probably end up having to get a concrete company to make the steps and entrance area less steep also.

diva, are you talking about the two square areas on either side of the longer one? They are different sizes?? Nope that is NOT cool and needs to be fixed!

As for the turn around area THEY need to fix it! AND the steps. Maybe it is a good thing they have not done the plaster. I would ask for a meeting with the PB AND the owner of the company at poolside so you can show them what you are talking about and show any "proof" you have to having told them of your needs. That is SO not right :(

Hugs! It will be done one day and hopefully done right!

diva, are you talking about the two square areas on either side of the longer one? They are different sizes?? Nope that is NOT cool and needs to be fixed!

As for the turn around area THEY need to fix it! AND the steps. Maybe it is a good thing they have not done the plaster. I would ask for a meeting with the PB AND the owner of the company at poolside so you can show them what you are talking about and show any "proof" you have to having told them of your needs. That is SO not right :(

Hugs! It will be done one day and hopefully done right!


I really didn't want to appear as if I was complaining but that is ridiculous to be off by 6 inches.....normally I am satisfied and don't complain about 6 inches...... :tasty: but this is one time when I want less...or more...depending on how you look at it! Haha.

I was thinking the same thing about the width of the decking and having to pay to have it widened. I was adamant about making sure I had enough space and all I heard was, "Trust me, I got it under control. I've been doing this for X years, I know what I'm doing.....blah, blah, blah." Well, clearly he hasn't been designing pools for cripples for X years! The funny thing is, since joining this site I have seen 5 of his "custom" designed free-form pools and all 5 of them were identical! I kid you not, I instantly knew he designed it before they even told me the designers name. Not that his design is not nice, but when you are sitting in the dining room of a prospective client who is IN A WHEELCHAIR and telling you they have problems moving their legs and need to make sure the pool is accessible to them and enough room to maneuver the wheelchair, you can't just do what you always requires some special accommodations!

The guy coming to add the additional concrete looked at the entrance area and asked, "Are you sure you can get in and out of here? This looks really steep." Then he walked up and down the steps and turned to me and said, "I have a feeling you are going to have some serious issues getting in and out of here." His dad had a stroke recently and also has mobility issues and he said there is no way his dad could get in and out. The first step down to the Baja shelf is about 12-14 inches, which is a real task for someone who cannot feel their legs half the time.

I hate this because I already know everything is going to be held up for ages! I suppose i would rather deal with it now than to not be able to use my $25k pool! I will be calling the pb tomorrow and requesting a meeting with the supervisor and owner. I either want these issues fixed or I want a deduction from the bill so I can have them fixed. I don't think that is unfair to ask and if they refuse, well, let's just say, I LOVE to do social media reviews and I am a Top100 Yelper for Arizona. I also review for Angie's List, Google, Houzz, etc. and I will spend the next 10 years getting my money's worth out of it. I will also file with the BBB, etc. but to be honest, I doubt I will have to do that with this company because they seem to be very legit and I have a feeling they will fix the issues. I just can't understand why the sales person did not offer to fix it once I brought it to his attention, but he has been less than helpful. After the deal was signed, he suddenly became way less helpful and I had to send a bunch of emails, calls, messages, just to get a reply, and then the replies would be ridiculously short and not even cover the issues I asked about. One time, after a looooooong email regarding the steps and narrow decking issues, he replied with a Y, that was it, just the letter Y only! I replied and asked him if it was some sort of typo that he would just respond to my serious and intense email with a single letter and he replied to that and said, and I quote, "It means yes." That was it! I gave up at that point and knew he did not care at all about me as a customer and couldn't care less if I was able to get in and out of my pool or not, all he cared about was his commission! I loved the pool builder until the sales person started blowing me off, that really left a bad taste in my mouth for them but as a company, they are great and Kathi in the office is wonderful, the salesman on the other hand, is a real piece of work and I have a feeling if the owner knew how he responded to me, he would have an issue with it.

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