New EVO 614i Robot Pool Cleaner Review

I think you do not need the hub. You can get the switch for about 22 on amazon.
Interesting. The way I read that article, you can do on/off from a phone app, but if you want to connect to a smart home system (e.g. for scheduling), you need the hub. I use Samsung SmartThings as my main home automation hub. When I try to add a SwitchBot device, it tells me, "You can add all your existing devices registered in teh partners' service by linking your account." Then it prompts for my SwitchBot login. It's be worth a try without the hub...
Interesting. The way I read that article, you can do on/off from a phone app, but if you want to connect to a smart home system (e.g. for scheduling), you need the hub. I use Samsung SmartThings as my main home automation hub. When I try to add a SwitchBot device, it tells me, "You can add all your existing devices registered in teh partners' service by linking your account." Then it prompts for my SwitchBot login. It's be worth a try without the hub...
ah. sorry - did not read that far in. i did see app based and good point. i use ST, HA, and HT ;). i am in a home automation conundrum. been meaning to get off of ST for years since they are cloud based and yanked all their customization for the "greater good". i face the wrath of the wife anytime we drop the internet and the kitchen cabinet lights won't turn on...
but luckily for me HA appears to not need the hub with a BT adapter which i have
Interesting that the Zodiac AlphaIQ lineup also uses the iAquaLink app. The entry-level OA 6300 iQ only supports cycle starting/monitoring and lift system. Two models up, the OA 6500 iQ also supports 7-day programming in the app. In fact the screen shot in the Google Play store shows a cleaner scheduled to do "Waterline Only - Wednesday 8:00 AM". So it looks like the app can already do scheduling. Maybe Aqua Products is deferring that feature until they release a higher-end model.
I've been using the 614IQ for a little over a week now. I'm pretty pleased with it overall but I am rather disappointed in how well it cleans my walls and waterline.

As another user said, it does not reliably travel up the wall to the waterline with each pass. In my particular pool, unless it hits the wall at a near perfect 90 degree perpendicular angle, it will travel 1/3 to 1/2 the way up and then fall back down. Each climb has about a 10-20% chance of actually reaching and scrubbing the waterline.

Whatever algorithm this thing uses to determine when to quit climbing is way too sensitive. I wish there were a setting to tune how aggressively it tries to climb walls.

I'm pretty sure it was not designed to go up to the waterline on every pass.. It only goes all the way up about 1/5th of the time..

The Dolphins do the same thing.

I'm just guessing that is 1/5th of the time, as I have never really timed it. I'll have to pay more attention the next time it runs.


Jim R.
I first put my new 614iQ in the water yesterday, one day after a good rain from Tropical Storm Hilary. It did a great job on leaves--had to empty it twice during the cycle yesterday. (Well actually that seems to stop the cycle so you have to start over--how do you pause this thing?)

I'm concerned, though, at how poorly it does the walls. After a total of over six hours in the pool, I've got green algae stripes in several places, and it seems to just ignore one wall in the deep end. The pool is cloudy (I'm working on that) and I have intentionally NOT done much brushing because I wanted to see what this robot would do. Kind of disappointed--I think my Kreepy, when it was healthy, did a better job getting the walls.

Not sure about forum rules here--wondered if I should start a new thread asking for suggestions. I also have videos I can put on YouTube.

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Done, thanks:

I said a few pages back that I'd want to schedule mine to run overnight when power is cheaper. Checked power consumption with a Kill A Watt device today. During operation, usage varies from about 3 to 80 watts depending on how many motors are running. Over a 2.5-hour cycle, the Kill A Watt measured 0.14 kWh used or 140 Wh. Dividing by 2.5 I believe that means 56 watts per hour on average. Even if on-peak electricity is $0.70 per kWh, that's still under $0.10 for a 2.5-hour cycle. Pretty freakin' low!

20230826_1200.Evo 614iQ total power consumption in 2.5 hours.jpg
Not wanting to Crud on the OP's thread, but I did want to add a couple pictures for reference. I did think about starting my own thread, but this one might actually could be turned into the Official EVO 614iq thread, like my Doheny Discovery (S200) was turned into from 7 years ago.

These are couple pictures of what my 614iq picks up on a single cycle that I do every two to three days. I do not have any algae (knock on wood), no trees near by and I think all the sand type material is the degredation of my travertine stacked stone on the rear wall of the pool. It doesn't get as fine of dust like the S200 with pleated filters, but I'm still happy with the amount of debris I get out.


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Add all the pics and comments you want.. :mrgreen:

My findings are about identical to yours. I have no way to test if the EVO's basket captures less 'dust' than my S200s. We need to find someone is AZ that can run some tests.


Jim R.
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Can someone comment on how well this unit does with leaves? That was a recurring criticism I saw in the Amazon reviews, and just wondering what anyone here that owns one thinks. Almost all of my pool "trash" is leaves, often large ones.


Not sure it helps, as I get very few leaves, but it works for me..

The other day I had a grand total of 4 average size leaves in my pool. I put the EVO in and when it was done, all four were in the basket.

I only noticed as the leaves were not in the same spot and I was using that as an example of how well it covered the floor when cleaning.

The problem is that there is no way for sure to know if the EVO, or any other robot, is going to work in your specific pool, without trying it... :(

If you get a lot of leaves, then you should be using a leaf-rake, and not the robot to clean up most of them.


Jim R.
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Can someone comment on how well this unit does with leaves? That was a recurring criticism I saw in the Amazon reviews, and just wondering what anyone here that owns one thinks. Almost all of my pool "trash" is leaves, often large ones.

Mine works really well with leaves. Mostly sees ~3"x4" oval shaped leaves but it will pick up til it's full and input is slightly clogged (easy to clean out). Unfortunately no indication without stopping it that it's full.
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