Low TA question


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Bronze Supporter
Jun 28, 2016
Blairsville GA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Opened the pool on 5/11 with these results:

TC= 0
CYA < 20
TA = 100
PH = 7.2 (slightly higher but less than 7.5
water temp 68

Followed pool math and tested daily. Today’s readings:

TC = 6 (had to up as TC had fallen to 3). Yes, passed Overnight test few times and had drifted down to 7 and then to 3 on 5/19
CYA = 70
TA = 50
PH = 7.2
Water temp 80

We have had at least 3 to 4 inches of rain in the last week. This is our 3rd year using TFP and our ph has always remained constant. TA around 80 on average.

Expecting much more more rain this week. Only change is added DE a few times to sand filter but forced to backwash a few times. Pool is sparkling clean.

Question is do I address the TA now or wait until we get through this rain spell? What would cause TA to drop so quickly?

Thanks for any advice!
You're in a vinyl pool with no heater or special equipment, so I'd just leave it. You might consider letting a little aeration increase the pH just a little to about 7.4, but even then I suspect your TA will climb soon with new water top-offs. More heavy rain might even increase your pH just a little as well. If you do decide to bump up TA just a little for peace of mind, wait until the heavy rains subside so you aren't wasting chemicals from overflow. As for what may have caused the drop? .... perhaps the exchange of water from all the rain?
Much thanks ! Enjoy your pool this summer. Whoops we do have a heater (propane) but we did not turn on till yesterday) I need to modify my signature! Does that modify your recommendation?
Does that modify your recommendation?
No it doesn't. As long as the pH isn't too low for an extended period of time you'll be okay. When the pH is too low for a while, the water gets acidic which can corrode the lining of your heater core, but you're fine now. :swim:
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