Looking to add some automation....

So, I help my dad from a distance giving advice on maintaining his pool and trying to prevent him from getting pool-stored... My mom used to do it but due to health reasons she can no longer maintain the chemistry. I would like to possibly add some automation to their system and make it easier for them. I would like some ideas on what some of the TFP people use for automation. In general it is a basic pool (see sig). I know in general CH is not a huge deal with a vinyl lined pool, but I feel some rough granular deposits on areas within the pool which I am presuming calcium may have precipitated out of the water onto the surfaces. I do not know what the water parameters were previously, but their CH level was 80 when I was there and pH was greater than 8.2. Their pool was green and I spent the two weeks when I was there SLAMing their pool, and he is continuing to SLAM. To prevent this in the future, I want to add some automation and I am would like some advice and suggestions on what type of automation PLEASE!

Not sure what it is you want to do... :confused:

Most of us here use automation to control our pools.. Things like turning on lights and motors, turning on water features and switching between the pool and spa modes.

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for a way to automatically adjust the chemicals in the pool, which is a very different animal.

For residential pools, there really are no totally automated system that work well enough that TFP would recommend them.

Automation can 'help' with keeping chemicals in the pool, but does not do away with the need to do constant testing.

The two things that might work best for you would be a Saltwater Chlorine Generator (SWCG) which makes and distributes chlorine in your pool water and a Stenner pump system that can be used to add Muriatic Acid to the pool water to keep your pH in range.

Neither of these systems are hands off. They have no feed back, and just do what they are told. Someone still has to test and adjust the systems output on a regular basis.


Jim R.
HI Jim,

Thanks for the reply.... Yes, I am talking about things like controllers for acid additions, chlorine additions (vs SWG). I am aware of the need to continue to test to verify things are where they should be and the need to calibrate a pH probe monthly. I am just trying to look at ways that will make things a little easier for my parents so things don't get so out of hand again. I do have experience with the SWG for a previous pool (gunite) I had and it made things so simple, I loved it. I have thought about it for their pool as well, but I don't know if it is contraindicated for an above ground pool with metal areas? I did not want to convert their pool and cause them more problems.

With trying to do a search online, I am coming across RolaChem Rola-Chem Ready-to-Mount Controller Systems - Automated chemical maintenance, Hayward Hayward HCC 2000 Controller Package

Are there others that people use that I haven't found, like the Stenner you just mentioned. Do they like them, do they hate them?

I just want some thoughts from my favorite pool information source. :)

I too believe that we are a pretty good source for pool information. :p I also believe that the lack of response to your original question, kind of speaks for itself.

We have plenty of old posts about people that have tried automated systems and failed, we do not have many that have worked as advertised.

Let's hope that our members that have, or have had, these system can chime in...

The main problem is not the dispensing part, it is the sensing part. The probes don't seem to last long and need constant calibration. Also, most do not work when the CYA gets above 30 which makes running the system and using the TFP pool care process almost impossible to do.

So while we are a very good resource for most all things pool related, we are not really the best place for info on systems that most of our members do not have... :(


Jim R.
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