:-D Thanks for the recount, I know it was just an honest mistake. This contest is really turning out quite well, lots of participation. It's all just good clean fun!
Thank you dlduvall for three pictures accepted, and crabboy for three pictures accepted! Your pictures have been added to the encyclopedia.
I invite everyone to explore the visual encyclopedia as it grows. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Some items we still need pictures of include: above ground ladder, Hayward/Goldline automation system, safety net, IntelliChlor, WalMart six way test kit, ColorQ, plastic gate valve, water bag (with water in it), scupper, etc. These are just suggestions. Pictures of these items are not guaranteed to be included, and pictures of items not listed here are still welcome.
Less than a week remains in the contest! Remember that three of the four prizes go to people selected at random from those who had even one photo accepted. So everyone still has a chance to win! Plus, helping to build the visual encyclopedia is a wonderful way to support the TFP community!
Thank you 98xc600 for two additional pictures accepted, launboy for one additional picture accepted, and Simtechray for one picture accepted! Your pictures have been added to the encyclopedia.
I invite everyone to explore the visual encyclopedia as it grows. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Some items we still need pictures of include: Hayward/Goldline automation system, safety net, IntelliChlor, WalMart six way test kit, ColorQ, water bag (with water in it), scupper, etc. These are just suggestions. Pictures of these items are not guaranteed to be included, and pictures of items not listed here are still welcome.
Only a few days remain in the contest! Remember that three of the four prizes go to people selected at random from those who had even one photo accepted. So everyone still has a chance to win! Plus, helping to build the visual encyclopedia is a wonderful way to support the TFP community!
Hello , This thread has been inactive for over 60 days. New postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. For better visibility, consider Starting A New Thread.
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