Jumper J4 to convert from a T-cell 5 to a T-cell 15

Timothy C

New member
May 4, 2024
London, Canada
I get from reading the forums, that on an AquaTrol RJ board you can solder across J4 to convert from a T-cell 5 to a T-cell 15, but what exactly does the jumper do? What does J4 cause the board to do differently? (Is there other jumpers that do other neat things on the board? I wondered if there was a list somewhere describing these jumper features/hacks.)
Technically it is a jumper connector you add or remove, not solder.

The jumper positions changes the way the unit calculates the salt level (which can affect the low salt alarm) and the threshold used for high amps.

The jumper tells the board which cell you are using (T-15 or T-5). However, this does not "Convert" the type of cell you actually have. If you have a T-5, you must leave the jumper off or the unit will alarm with "Low Salt" and shut off.

However, if you are planning to replace the T-5 cell with a T-15, then you will want to add that jumper. Otherwise a high amp alarm will likely occur.


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