Iowa Vinyl Pool

But seriously. It’s what you need. You blew through some testing supplies being new but that’s how you learn. Trust me I appreciate pinching pennies until the dust settles. This will be ‘dusty’ for quite some time…. Long after the crews are finished. $50 in new supplies is literally liquid gold to protect your honkin investment. Figure out what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, be able to do it blindfolded or in the pouring rain because when things arise they are rarely at a good time.

Now you can have a sick kid on your hip while you effortlessly check your stuffs without skipping a Mom beat. There will be plenty of times to stretch the kits lifespan down the road. You did good.
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Omg. You guys are going to laugh. After the landscaper came (weeks ago) he got sand in our pool from the mortar he used on the coping. Ok no worries, brushed all that off the steps to the shallow end floor and ran The Kraken. I noticed as I was switching out the skimmer sock every few days that my skimmer still had sand way down there below the skimmer basket but I'm like EVERYTHING IS FINE, IT WILL CLEAN ITSELF OUT. Hahaha. I let it sit like that for WAY too long (at least a week... maybe 2... maybe more... 😳). My chlorine demand went up and I'm scratching my head... pool is clear, there is like no dirt on the pool floor with the autocover... HMMMMMM.

The pic below is what I saw this morning below the skimmer basket. To be fair, it is wayyy less dirty than it was a week or more ago. So I try brushing it around with the pool brush to get it to go down to be filtered. Oh my goodness... SLIME. Disgusting slippery slime. Brush didn't work so well. So I put the skimmer sock on my hand like a glove and scooped/brushed out the inside of the skimmer. FYI be careful, almost lost it to the pump... Now it looks good.

Good grief I'm such a newb. 🤣 Hopefully this takes care of the chlorine demand. Also what is that second circular blue area? I dug sand out of it but I didn't know what it was or what would happen when I cleared it out... just kept scooping...EFD14B49-F67B-406D-825C-106531773095.jpeg
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It’s a second plug for retrofit jobs where the main drains connect through the skimmer and you have 2 pipes connected. So you have one pipe bib attached /going to the equipment pad and a second unused bib with a 2-3 inch hole / plug / Barb thingie. It will forever collect sand and whatnot. It’s usually very well treated sand, but scoop it out once a month or so. (y)
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It’s a second plug for retrofit jobs where the main drains connect through the skimmer and you have 2 pipes connected. So you have one pipe bib attached /going to the equipment pad and a second unused bib with a 2-3 inch hole / plug / Barb thingie. It will forever collect sand and whatnot. It’s usually very well treated sand, but scoop it out once a month or so. (y)
I would shut the pump and put a plug in there while the weir door is closed and have some liquid chlorine dropped into the mix. Let it sit a bit to kill off what ever it is. Then remove the plug and get filter back and running.
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I might still do that just to make sure!

Update... I did and let the brush soak in there a bit too...
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I'm going to slam my pool tonight...
Can you elaborate on the increased FC demand ? I imagine you’ll get some extra paver sand blowing / finding it’s way into the skimmer for a bit. At least until you get a few big rains. The sand should be harmless chemistry speaking.

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I KNOW you weren’t slacking on the testing. I know this in my heart. You needing more supplies a few weeks later only cements my thoughts. It just doesn’t add up.
I've been purposely avoiding it because I don't want to deal with the iron. I feel like something has been eating my chlorine. I dose up to 9ppm but by morning I have like 5 or 6... 😭
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dose up to 9ppm but by morning I have like 5 or 6... 😭
Then you already know. In one regard I’m proud of you for instinctively knowing what your testing is telling you. In another regard you deserve 20 lashes with a wet noodle because we taught you specifically *not* to avoid red flags.
Then you already know. In one regard I’m proud of you for instinctively knowing what your testing is telling you. In another regard you deserve 20 lashes with a wet noodle because we taught you specifically *not* to avoid red flags.
I've been limping along with beautiful clear water and tbh, I am hoping my find in the skimmer was the source of my issues.
Well... here we go... I put polyfill in the skimmer basket... might have to get out the big blue pentek filter for the iron. I will check everything in the am... if fc is below 10 I will adjust Ph and hit the chlorine up... my pool is so clear though!

I really only have a few more days worth of fc test supplies... ugh didn't realize how close I was cutting it...
So the PB is here. Pulled up right as I was putting in LC. Ha. Our new filter arrived so they are replacing it. Goodbye display filter, you were good to us. There will be a happy pool customer today who has been waiting for a filter...

Also they are going to fix the switch on the pool lights. Maybe for the first time ever we will get to swim at night with the lights!
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Especially because swimming is safe at SLAM levels. :poke:

(Couldn’t resist :laughblue:)
I'm running out of test supplies... might have to limp along for a while longer. Also I'm going to pick up some distilled water and test the potency of the old LC I have. The kids are going to a movie this afternoon. Time for the mad scientist to perform experiments! I have new LC too but just trying to use the old stuff...
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