I can't keep my chlorine levels up


Jun 20, 2015
Britton, Michigan
I just had my chlorine perfect on Saturday. I also float a chlorine puck in the pool. We have been having 85-95 degree days. My testing results are...

FC 0
pH 7.6
TA 170
CH 190
CYA 30

According to pool math I need to add 112 oz of chlorine, 18 ounces muriatic acid and 18 ounces stabilizer.

My question is, which one do I add first? I've never had to add more than one chemical to my pool at the same time.

Thank you so much for the help!
Britton is a small town in Michigan in the United States.

Thank you for the advice. I got the chlorine in it last night. I will just need to test every couple days. I am usually able to keep the levels good with a granular shock one a week and a chlorine puck every week. I was wondering if the other chemicals would help hold it.
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